
We have finally MOVED - bye bye and welcome

We have MOVED.

After MONTHS of going back and forth in our heads/discussions/meetings in what to do and how to do it, we have finally moved!
You will now find us on mojolifestyle.se - YIHAAAAAAAA!!!

...and you are invited to come! :)

THANK YOU Jessica, for "ooops you did it again".... Brilliant.

Hope to see you in our new playground,

Love always,


The day after the BLAST in OSLO

Is it ok to be in love with your business partner? I am.
Fierce JOJO during my kettlebell class on Saturday.
Photograph: Jess.

Matthew´s class on Saturday

Don´t ask me what they´re up to, but preparing for having their picture taken....
Febs and Jo

What is it with me and Finnish men???
Kimmo - the coolest guy in Helsinki

Dinner on Saturday was a BLAST! Believe me!
Bruno, Camilla, Åsa, Febbe, Matt, Anette & Jessica.
I laughed so much and so hard, my abs were sore the next day!
Photograph borrowed from Jessica.

We´ve known each other for years, but it´s not until the last year or so that we´ve been able to spend more time together. I love this girl. She has so many wonderful qualities, I could go on for days. A true friend and gorgeous personality sums it up.
Photograph: Jessica

Jessica, Åsa & Maria warming up before the dinner

Åsa (my abs hurt a lot thanks to this cool cat) & Camilla - Pretty and FUN!

You could think they are brothers lost at birth... ;)
Bruno (I KNEW you could sing!!! Always suspected it!) and Matt.

The one and only. She works HARD for her money: Lina Andersson - NIKE Wizard.
Thank you for 2 magical weekends!

Febbe, Anette & Matt looking happy and less hungry.

A HUGE shout out to wonderfully talented Tony Stone.
The man, the myth, the legend.
There are several reasons to why this man is still at the top of his game
(except from pure talent and hard work).
A few of them:
* humbleness
* professionalism
* curiousness
* kindness
* straight forwardness
also, after so many years in the industry he´s still to this day participating in other
presenters´classes and showing great interest in other people´s work.
MOJO salutes you, Mr. Stone!



The NIKE Oslo event has over the years felt a bit like the younger baby sister to NIKE Stockholm. Not so anymore.
The change was electric.
I think it was a good thing to keep the train on track from last weekend.
Like bands on tour, the WHOLE stage, plus lightning, sound system, even staff and dancers (not to forget the presenters) were packaged and flown (well, some....none named none forgotten... ;)) over to Norway.
I taught my kettlebell class at noon. It´s lucky I´m "flexible" (and I´m not talking bendy here), because 5min before the class, I didn´t know how many KBs there were, or which weight, how many people would turn up to class and how many of them would have done KB training before???...
...well, thankfully the class turned out great!
80 people who went on swinging, lifting, squatting, cleaning, like they´d never done anything else in their lives! :)

Thanks to Pontus (Sportlife Gbg), Åsa (blog reader from Sthlm!) and of course JO, who graced the class with their energetic presence!

Dorre and Per doing their Disco thang

REAL men do HUG - Show me some love - Fredrik Andersson & Pontus Wärnestål during Pure Training

Wonderful friend and talented rider Bruno Sardella

WHOPPA! Jonathan Monks rolling, rockin and jivin´in his beautiful yogaMONKS class.
I HAD to tease him about the beard though!
Reminds me about my dad.

And LOOK what we FOUND!!! In the year 2000 - Magnus "Mango" Ringberg taught SPINNING at an event at Domus Athletica!!! I thought I was going to faint! Mango - you NEVER told me, you secret biker, you!

Fotnot på svenska:
24h på Clarion Royal Christiania i Oslo.

Rum 1: rum in mot ljusgården utan möjlighet att öppna fönstren med tokdålig luft runt 30 grader. Nej tack. Efter många om och men i receptionen (..vi har verkligen FULLT den här helgen...) flyttar jag till:

Rum nr 2: Allt ljud från gatan hörs. Stor reva i örngottet (slänger man inte det då???) + Hårtorken fungerar ej. Ber om ny hårtork i receptionen. Ringer 1h senare och frågar vart den nya hårtorken tog vägen? Svar: "på väg"
Ringer efter ytterligare 45min och förklarar att jag kan inte duscha förrän jag vet att jag kan torka håret. Svar: "Vilket rum bor du på? Vi skickar upp en"
Ringer efter YTTERLIGARE 30min. Svar: "Vi har inga hårtorkar kvar - alla är utlånade, men du kan ringa tillbaks imorgon efter 12.00." ???
Jag blir arg=nytt rum trollas fram i den renoverade delen av hotellet.
Rum nr 3: nu kör vi!


Oslo the day before the BLAST

I won´t bore you with the details about the extreme difficulties in leaving a crying 1.5 yr old at home...
...so I´ll jump straight into business:

Gorgeous panthers Åsa Eriksson & Anette Rusten Hertzman who glammed my train trip to Oslo with their sheer presence.
By the way: "Finn 5 fel" - where is JoJo???
Answer: At home packing.
Yes, it´s true, so she´ll be on the red eye tomorrow morning instead. :)

EARLY dinner at the Clarion Royal Christiania Hotel.
HELLO 8h sleep!!!

Before OSLO - NIKE Blast :)

Whop whop!

Feels like yesterday the BLAST took of in Sthlm!

In a couple of hours I'm of to Oslo - on a train with Hot tamale Åsa and Fierce MO!
I do have a feeling, en aning - that the 3 of us might, just might.... sleep through the whole trip and straight into the Saturday morning...

Where did this week go?!

Now PT clients then straight for the train - before that some packing... ouch!

Heavy Glam MOJO flyers with me CHECK!

My very OWN NEW Global Yoga för ALLA DVD with me - if you're in Oslo you can buy it at the BLAST :)

I am ridiculously excited - I have no idea how i have the energy to be this but I am :)

It might be:

The cool cats I get to hang with
The new CARAMEL CORE class :))

The notion of my FREE class - hurts my ass already just thinking about it

The MOJO play with MO - feels like having a playtime and getting paid :)

The energy of the participants


OSLO are you READY?!

BOM BOM Johanna


TRENDS in Training?!

What do you think?!

This is what Jo and Mo says :)

Thank you Spark i Baken for UPPSTYRDA blogginlägg - SNYGGT :)

Flow Jo


How to survive the after-BLAST

After 2 days filled with sweat, adrenaline and LOVE from delegates, team colleagues, friends and aquaintances, it is always a challenge to survive the Monday after.
I was incredibly pleased with the weekend.
Having 3 sessions is fun and great, but also a big energy spender, as both JO and I can vouch for.
The "Power, Grace & Glory"-ride turned out really well. Despite some technical problems before the class and my pedal falling off during the warm up (yes, it´s true), the rest of the ride was smooth, but also very strong. Yum!
The MOJO Yoga session, which was placed last on the schedule on Saturday, still drew almost a full room. Lovely!
Sunday held the session which I had prepared for the most - ("Starting your own business within the health and fitness field") - in running clothes, on the yoga mat, driving my car, etc, etc, I had gone over the content of my lecture over and over again.
I felt inspired and positively nervous before, which is always a good sign.
Also here there were technology issues before we could start, but luckily it never really threw me, since the PPT-presentation was extremely simple and not that important.
Thanks to Jessica, who except from being a fab friend also turned out to be an excellent tech support! :)

For a kick ass BLAST, I especially want to thank:

* My NIKE Team colleagues
* NIKE my sponsor
* All my fantastic participants!!! Wow, I´m humbled every time.
* The Incycle-crew. Jessica, Magnus & Linda, what can I say? Even when you call me mum and take pictures of me sleeping with my mouth open, I love you guys. And that says a lot.
* JO. Beautiful, talented and a fab girl.

Almost forgot the answer to the headline!
Here goes:
- sleep
- more sleep
- water
- silence
- sleep
- GOOD food
- cuddles
- hugs
- sleep
- kisses
- training

Now: getting charged for BLASTing OSLO!

Saturday morning at the MOJO booth

Actually, when I see those tights like this, maybe it wasn´t such a great idea after all?
Photograph borrowed from superwoman Sofie at Fitness Magazine.

After the BLAST


Thank you ALL of you for SMASHING 3 days :)

Straight from London and Ana Forrest with the SUNSHINE KAKAN :)


Landed 3am in my bed Thursday night - woke up 6am ready for the NIKE weekend to HIT!

How can I sum it up into words?!
Not sure if I can but I do have the THEME word for the Weekend - HAPPINESS!

I Make Myself HAPPY seemed to be on every bodies lips - and I just LOVE it!

So many people, crowded classes, HARD kick ass classes - and still people were smiling, helping each other out instead of bitching or complaining!

I am truly IMPRESSED! You all inspire me!

An evening of Smooth MOJO FLOW at METROPOLIS! I like that studio so so much! If I lived in Sthlm that's where I'd be training. Great functional gym and sweet studio overlooking the city!

Started with the MULTINTENSO class - supporting David on stage, wow I love YOGA, and I love it the MultiIntenso way!

Pic - Cecilia Duberg

Got my LUNGS all warmed up after that in D'Silvas Garuda class before I had to run and change for my own - YOGA TRANCE DANCE!

I admit that I kept thinking - Why the f... did I agree on doing this class on the BIG stage. It's quiet a different class and I wasn't sure that the participants would be up for it...

Pic - Träningsglädje :)
Was I wrong or what?!
NEVER underestimate your fellow human beings! People opened their hearts, bodies and minds! I am forever grateful, thank you!
And thank you Miss PRANA Cecilia G for the play on stage with me :)

After the Yoga Trance Dance I was first filled with energy and kept going with Cecilas Organic Bodywork class. She left us in a sweet sweet relaxation - something I really needed and never really snapt out of for the rest of that evening!

The combo of the anxiety over my own class, would it work?! Are people willing?! Am I a crazy person?! and the lack of sleep rushed over my like a 4 year old... Me and A took a cab back to the hotel where I ate a whole chicken and then feel asleep.
Recharged for the Presenters DINNER in Gamla Stan :) MUMS

Woke up feeling excited and nervous (again hahaha that's new for me :) preparing for my NIKE FREE! Nrevous becuase I knew it would kick my ASS...

And it did!
It turns out it kicked my ASS wearing TROSOR (I thought they were tiny shorts?!)

MAN - people have got a lot of energy in them! The NIKE FREE class was a POWERsession and today I feel it more than ever :)
Knowing if I rest I will feel it more I went straight to Davids Yoga class where I could rest my ass and hold my arms up in the air for 11min instead :) Hahaha the yin and yang of life!

Some shaking with MO to PETTER on the big stage before it was time to hit the stage one last time - BALLISTIC Style! A feminine, fun, organic BALL class to wrap up the weekend!
5min to get my stuff, run to the bus and cathc the train - Jihaaa Ballistic it is ;)

Train home after some sweet thai food and LOVE next to me :)

Pic - Magnus G
I had a session with my PT - can you believe it?! I hardly could!!! But it went better than I thought!
After that i landed in my sofa and stayed there :)

Today is back in business with my clients!
Well not totally back into the routines - I think someone is planning to surprise me tonight... hihihihhihihih

I LOVE U guys! Truly!
Thank you for the war words, the warm smiles, the happy bodies this weekend! I am grateful!


The NIKE Crew working
The Participants
The PowerWomen in the House (u know who you are)
The International Presenters
My partner in Crime - MO
The Boss, The Blonde, The Babe - LINA!!!!

Now OSLO - R u ready?!