


Some days can just be like that... Do you know what I mean? When you just want to stick your tongue out, make an ugly face and go "uuuuuuuueeeeeeee" to something or someone...

Like yesterday when I get down to the laundry room (during MY laundry time) and find that someone has unloaded my laundry into a dirty basket, stuck their own clothes in the machine and written a note: "Who is Björn?" + left an aggressive comment on the laundry booking sheet.
The MORON even left a note with his name and phone number. (And I would SO love to publish both his name and number here so that dear MOJO readers could call him at 4am in the morning, just to go "MORON!!!!". Luckily, I´m not that long-sighted. By the way, his name consists of three letters and begins with Ö and ends with ST).

The phone conversation went something like this:

me: Are you the person who unloaded my laundry in the laundry room?
him: (angrily) Who do you lodge with? Are you Björn?
me: I don´t lodge with anyone. We live in the house in our OWN apartament.
him: (pissed off)..oh, so your surname is Björn then?
me: Yes, it is, and you would have known that if you had bothered to check the names at the main door before you unloaded my laundry in a dirty basket.
him: (interrupting) ...well, I was so pissed off with the lodgers in this house, they always put their first names down on the laundry booking list and you never have any idea who they are....and last time I got so MAD, and....
me: (thinking: this guy is not very well in his head. Ehhh, doesn´t a lodger have the right to do the laundry if he or she has booked? Does it really MATTER if you book your laundry time with your first name or your last name? Booked is booked, right???) saying: well, it wasn´t a very nice thing to do, unloading my laundry, during my laundry time and then leave an angry note...
him: ..(very fast and mumbling) I guess I´m sorry then, BUT I didn´t unload your laundry...
me: So who did? It was outside the machine when I came downstairs and it was put in a dirty basket - which didn´t belong to me...
him: (interrupting again) That basket belongs to the house! You haven´t lived here long have you?
me: (thinking: what the hell does that have to do with things?!) 1 year actually
him: Well, that´s NOT long. Most of us have lived in the house for at least 5 years! And the basket belongs to the house!!!! It´s a property of everyone who lives here!
me: (thinking: ooookey)
him: (in the "I´m helping YOU out here"-voice)...well, you can empty the machine and just put my laundry outside since I have the laundry slot after you.
me: Yes, I will. I´m hanging up now, bye.

The laundry room is the by far worst culprit in causing aggression between neighbours, sometimes even violence... Heck, I´m not surprised.


... I said YES....


I left as a girlfriend and came back a fiancée. I got proposed to on Monday 26 May on a deserted beach...and I said yes. Actually I said, yes, yes, YES - I want to - I will do - and I love you - now and forever...


Follow me into the CINEMA....

Jo: I was on a press release of the Movie THE MIST today!
I think it was my first press release of a movie, not sure but quiet confident that it was my LAST!

  • 1. I jumped in a cab after my yoga/meditation classes at Hagabadet, grabbed a coffee and sandwich at Muffins mm. I had FLOW! I was rollin, centered, stretching time, with food and money in my pockets ☺
  • 2. I thought I was on my way to a RomCom movie with my best friends, jihaaa!
  • 3. It was not a RomCom! I was 10min late. Do you know that people who “recenserar” movies do NOT eat popcorn; they might, might Maximum have a coffee in their hand!!!
  • 4. I had a picnic with me!
  • 5. I was late
  • 6. There is no 20min Commercial on a press release, and no traliers … I LOVE the trailers!!! That’s the best part of going to the Cinema!
  • 7. The Mist is based on a Novel by Stephen King… that pretty much says it all!
  • 8. N, who invited me, sat next to me, got ALL my punches, ticks, attacks, tears, nypningar, nagelklor and so on...! He pretty much left the cinema more bruised then the main characters!
  • 9. I CRIED, I SHOUTED in FEAR, I LAUGHED out of …. You know, not knowing what to do when the feeling is too intense!
  • 10. Half way through the movie a man shouted: CAN SOMEONE SHUT THAT GIRL UP!!! Oh my god! He must have been such a STONE HEART, I’m telling you I did try to keep quiet but it was TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE, I AM NOT A ROBOT!
  • 11. I am exhausted! I need to drink liters and liters of water to balance my vattenbrist. My body is aching and my heart is torn.
  • 12. The scary part of the movie is not the SUPERNATURAL, but how people can switch, turn and totally loose their rational mind, their compassion, and let the EGO take over. I’m not sure what the worst part would be: - To be inside the supermarket with the byborna or outside in the mist…..
  • 13. THE END….the end….i cannot talk about it yet, I am still in a thousand little pieces!

Be There or Be Square


or e-mail yogiangel22@hotmail.com


Hear Me Out!

Jo: Sorry, this will be in Swedish!

Vi anser oss gärna vara högt utvecklade varelser som lever många årtusenden och andliga tillväxtstadier från grottan. Men det tror inte våra kroppar på.

Vi må njuta av lyxen av att sitta högst på näringskedjan, men adrenalinet forsar alltjämt i oss när vi möter verkliga eller inbillade rovdjur. Det värker alltjämnt i oss av kärlek, åtrå, lojalitet och lidelse. Och vi uppfattar alltjämnt världen i all dess skönhet och fasa inpå bara kroppen. Det finns inget annat sätt!

Jag djupdyker ner i våra SINNEN!


Det latinska surdus betyder "döv", absurdus betyder "missljudande, orimlig, galen". Världen är alltså fortfarande begriplig för den som är blind eller saknar händer eller näsa. Men om man mister hörseln upplöses en ytterst viktig länk och man förlorar livets logik.

Bror körde bil, en låt på radion o plötsligt låg han i 160km/h! Varför?

Musik eldar människor till handling! Se Live-Aid konserten, Woodstock etc. Arbetssånger och marschvisor gör långa vandringar och enformiga arbetsuppgifter minder tråkiga. Joggare, trikåklädda deltagare i gympa pass - samtliga kommer upp i varv genom att träna till musik på hög volym med en regelbunden dunkande rytm.

Musik omramar bröllop, begravningar, evenemang, religösa helgdagar, till och med TV-nheterna.

Det vi kallar ljud är egentligen en våg av luftmolekyler som rullar fram, bryts och drar sig tillbaka. Ljudvågor rullar som tivdvatten mot öronen där de sätter trumhinnan i vibration. Det vi hör varierar kraftigt i intensitet, från ljudet av en nyckelpiga som landar på ett rosenbland till en house festival. Men vi hör sällan kroppen innre arbetsprocesser. Magens ivriga malande, blodet som forsar omkring, lederna som böjs och ögonlocken som ständigt öppnas och sluts, vårat eget hjärtas slag...

Men för barnet i livmodern framför moderns hjärta den skönaste vaggsång, och hennes andetags böljande lugnar och vaggar. Glömmer vi någonsin det ljudet?

Våra egna hjärtslagförsäkrar oss om att vi mår bra. Vi fruktar att det skall sluta slå en dag, vi fruktar hjärttystnaden hos dem vi älskar. Nr vi ligger hos vår älskade i sängen på morgonen tätt intill, som två skedar, känner vi hans hjärtslag och värme omsluta oss och vi fylls av ro. Vi talar om hjärtat som metafor och alla förstår den.

Mitt hjärta är krossat

Som om det var en bit krita som träffats av en hammare. Rent förståndsmässigt vet vi att kärlek, lidelse och tillgivenhet inte ligger i något visst organ. Men man behöver inte förklara. Från våra första ögonblick slår hjärtat i våra liv och våra kärlekar.

Vi lyssnar med kroppen. Vi behöver ord för att göra klart för oss vad vi känner och tänker. Orden låter oss röja våra inre liv för andra mäniskor och även utbyta varor och tjänster. Men musiken är ett behärskat utbrott från den vulkan av känslor som alla männsikor bär på. Vi förstår isntinktivt jämranden, gråt, jubelrop, kuttranden, suckar och alla andra ljud i vår karavan av viskningar och rop.

Vilken melodi spelar din kropp?


The Trick Is ...

Jo: Okej, okej, så de coola franska cirkus artisterna har ännu inte kidnappat mig o kommer nog inte göra det på ett tag (eller?).

Så meanwhile - What's the trick?

Mr Lawrence is my teacher!

Han håller handen över ljus lågan tills det börjar fräsa i huden. När hans följeslagare försöker sig på samma sak drar han undan handen i smärta o ropar:

"Gör det inte ont på dig?" medan han håller om sin brända hand.

"Jo", svarar Lawrence kallt.

"Vad är knepet då?"

"knepet är att inte bry sig om det"

Thank you Lawrence!

Girl kidnapped by Circus


Feeling hot, hot, HOT...part 2

Mo: They say the temperature will be 40 degrees celsius here tomorrow. My brain is already boiling. Actually it has been an absolutely wonderful, fantastic stay, but both P and I said it today: We are ready to go home now. Too many fun things to do, too many brilliant projects to start and too many phenomenal people at home that we haven't seen for a while!

Enough souvlakis have been eaten, enough beaches have been seen and enough sand has ended up in various places....

48h more and then SWEEEEEDEEEEEN! :)

Ps. Jo, prepare yourself for a loooooong fika, girlfriend!


Spice Up Your Life

Or you could join our HERE I AM Tour


Good naked, BAAAD naked...

A lot of bad naked going around....

Mo: My visit in Crete is soon coming to an end... 3 more days and then it's back to the fab country in the north.

Things I've learned so far during this stay:

- I have found the most incredible yoga mentor, in Mr.Monks
- I have realized that Crete - away from the horrible north coast and the tourist traps - is fantastically beautiful.
- I LOVE meat and will NEVER ever become a vegetarian (actually I knew this one before, it was just reconfirmed).
- I LOVE naked swimming and naked sunbathing - look NO tan lines! - BUT, and here's the thing:
- There is GOOD naked and BAD naked. (An example of BAD naked: naked yoga. Anywhere. Anytime. Any place.) Please observe, it took me more than 5 days of naked behaviour on secluded beaches, before I ended up on a more public, real nudist beach,if you'd like...

...and ALL my prejudices came true. ALL. Nudists on nudist beaches are ugly. Nudists are mostly middle aged to OLD. Nudist are wrinkly and they like to show off their butt cracks,their scrotums, their shaved bollocks and other bits where the sun don't shine! Like, no one lies like THAT on a beach!
And it's all quite gross. But the beach and the water where we went today was second to none, plus now I can say I've done it. Spent an afternoon on a nudist beach. Naked. Trying to look as if I belong....

...Needless to say I'm not too sad if I didn't.

Something else happened today. Something MAJOR. Will tell you all about it on Friday.
Keep posted!


Jag åt för mycket socker o nu kan jag inte sova....

Jo: Just hemkommen från ÅRE. Eller nej, nu ljög jag! Jag kom hem för någon timma sen men jag handlade mentos på flygplatsen och choklad o nu kan jag inte sova för jag är hög på socker. För 1,5 timmar sedan kunde jag knappt hålla ögonlocken uppe. TYPISKT!

ÅRE var mäktigt, jag ska berätta allt om det...snart... (bara för att man har en socker high så innebär det tyvärr inte att man blir produktiv).

Mina magmuskler pratar med mig. I fredags testede de ett nytt redskap i 2min o det känns än idag som om jag har förlöst tvillingar via kjejsarsnitt! Jag har med mig detta monster hem och jag kommer tortera mina PT kunder med det.... oj oj oj!

Nu är planen att försöka natta mig själv (jag har tyvärr inte min Mango här som är absolut bäst på det. Han nattade mig i en månad i Venice, CA!) Så jag ska nu själv börja låta ögonmasken glida ner, gå lite långsammare, tänka långsammare, sakta ner, dra täcket över huvudet o börja låtsas gäspa.


Imorgon lyder jag dessa kloka snubbar/snubbinnor:

"Förmågan att vara overksam förutsätter... en stark känsla av att ha en egen identitet" - Robert Louis Stevenson

"Det är i sin njutning som människan verkligen lever, det är ur sin sysslolöshet som hon skapa jagets sanna substans" - Agnes Repplier


The Bright Side of Being Human

Tell T
hree People (Today) How Much You Love Them

If you had an hour to live and could make ony one phone call - who would you call, what would you say, and why are you waiting?

Who knows what we are waiting for? Perhaps we ant to belive we wil live forever, or that "someday" we will get around to telling the people we love how much we love them.

Whatever the reason, most of us simply wait too long!!!

If I were to die today, it would be okay!
I had an amazing day :)

Woke up, taught Yoga and Meditation at Hagabadet (had to gorgeous men in my class giving it their all). They took me out for my favourite breakfast/brunch in the sun and then we stroled down the streets of Vasa.

Landed at VALAND where the Graduate students had their EXHIBITION.

ART inspires ME


Went to BR and Panduro Hobby!! Wooaaow! Why am I not visiting these stores more often?

And what Happend to BARBIE? There were like one shelf for Barbies and twenty other for "I don't know Idol, SupaStar, PornParisHiton whatever dolls!

I remember spending hours and hours looking at the different Barbies, and I refused to LEAVE to store without one. (Though I did it in a very sneaky, manipulative way. My brother did the: "throwing himself on the floor, screaming and crying version" whislt I did the: "But no daddy, I don't need another doll, it is ok, as long as we spend time togheter....long pause......but I really really admire the blond in the green/pink dress.....BIGGEST/NICEST SMILE ever" thecnique).

Now my bags are packed and I'm ready to go. The taxis is picking me up at Hagabadet 0805 (that gives my 04min to change, eat, and run down the stairs after my yoga class :) Jihaaaa!

Ticking all the boxes

Mo: All I can say is: I finally found the Yoga Master. Monks Rocks!

3h practise plus 1h tai-chi after dinner per day. My body is responding and it's liking what it feels.

Oh, and a new delight of mine: naked swimming and naked sun bathing! NEVER ever thought I was the type, but on a secluded beach with no one around, what to do? ;)

This retreat seems to be ticking all the right boxes...


The Frustration of Being Human

Jo: Why, when things are ON TOP and YOU WITH THEM, do you put "fälleben" on yourself?

I'm just thinking: Can it be that we sträcker ut en fot o fäller oss själva, with a foot that is directed by our unconsious?

Or, is it just by accident?

Found this on a blog today. It made me laugh :)

....men eftersom jag har gett mig själv godisförbud är godis det enda jag kan tänka på så jag åt så klart upp allihop....

Isn't this just a perfect ex of how our minds function!

Well, it is to late and I am to tired to go deeper into this line of reasoning right now (perhaps you can halp me out instead!?) so I'm gonna go with my creative flow and write ya'll a story. It goes something like this:

This is the story of a boy...
Whose father was superman.
While daddy saves the world...
Junior mangels his toy rabbit.
Daddy didn't know what to do with him.

82 fights later...
...he got kicked out from school.

He got lazier...

and lazier...

When daddy retired...
and it was junior's turn to save the world...
...he was too fat to fly.



I'm aliiiive.....

Mo: Yes, I'm still here! But internet connection in Crete is...let's say...as easy to get to as to find diamonds in a dogs backside.... (or something)...

Anyway the retreat is AWESOME and although Jonathan has turned all my learning upside down and it feels like I know NOTHING right now, I'm loving it!

Weather is hot and yes, I got a tan... :)

Doing the vegetarian thing and so far so good....

Miss you guys, and Jo - you are still gorgeous, whatever nail polish you're wearing at the moment... ;)

I hjärtat av cyklonen

Jo: För att finna en juvel måste man stilla vågorna; det är svårt att finna den om man rör om i vattnet. När meditationens vatten är klart och stilla kommer sinnets juvel helt naturligt att bli synlig. De flesta skulle hoppa i vattnet om en juvel tappades i en damm och på så sätt röra upp vattnet tills det blivit så grumligt att man inte kan hitta annat än sten och tegel. En vis man skulle vänta tils vattnet lugnat ned sig så juvelen helt naturligt kom att skina av sg själv.

Idag firar jag Bror, han e grym, han fyller år, han firar inte födelsedagar men jag firar honom!

Idag firar jag N, han har Mod, äkta Mod!

Idag firar jag att min deklaration är inlämnad o klar - I DID IT!

Idag firar jag att jag har fått ha världens bästa pappa och sen en världs bästa pappa till! Dom är alltid i mina ögon, mitt hjärta, mitt leende!

Idag firar jag vilkorslös kärlek, screw up, fuck up, I will always love u!

Vad firar du?



Too Fat, Can't Fly

Honey I'm HOME

Jo: After a succesfull day in Tallinn I flew to Helsinki. Landed and crashed in my hotel room (which was very comfy by the way!). I ponderd over if I should head down to the Sauna land but then I found a LINGONBERRY BUBBLEBATH bottle in my bathroom and that was it, I was stuck in the bathtube for the rest of the evening!

Firday: I sleept in, enjoyde a BIG hotelbreakfast MO style :). Did some work for JIRA and Hagabadet before I took a cab to Lauttasaari Liikuntakeskus (a fitness club where I was booked to teach a BODYJAM guest calss). As I arrived the club looked at me as if I was from another planet. -What, no. No bodyjam class! They had totally missed that I was coming. Being a pro I adapted to the situation so instead of teaching my class at 5pm I participated in the BALL class and then at 7pm I tought my BODYJAM class (there were 2 participants, and one of them was the teacher of the orig class. This must have been THE MOST EXPENSIVE FITNESS CLASS/per participant in this clubs history, well well). Lets not even talk about the BALL class... heppaheppadiscosteppa... its started 20min late, exercises from outer space in a pumped up tempo out of this world, all taught in Finish!

One thing I liked about this gym: (See below)
A nicelly desigend, functional machine that lets you do pretty much anything!

Saturday: Teaching LesMills Quarterlies again! A beautiful tirbe of Finish instructurs I must say:)


Found my favvoritue shop! This boutiqe makes me soo HAPPY. I feel like a.... hmm... don't know but if the previous generation collected Strindberg, Piccasso, Klimt, then our generation collect Plastic Bears, Hello Kitty and MobilePhone Stickres from Japan! I LOVE IT!

Strolled down to Stockmann, a must! Love their flowers and food section!

Susanna from the Finnish LesMills Team picced me up in her PIMP car and we drove to Tampere. I not only the only Swede in Tampere, but I was THE ONLY PERSON Hejjandes på SVERIGE woowawa, SVERIGE wowwawwa! It was a hard night. The swedish flag went DOWN! Did anther round of classes early in the morning and then jumped on the train to Helsinki.

I could barelly hold up the ticket to the ticketman, I was in a thousand little pieces :)

After about 4 flights, 2 train rides, 1 Pimped Car ride, and several several Taxi journeys later I was on my way home!

At tha airport I decided to step out of my Box! I SHOPED!!!! And not just shoping, shoping! I stronglly belive in balancing your YIN and YANG so after a work/fitness longweekend like this I Balanced it up with 2L AbsolutVodkaVanilla, 2L AbsolutVodkaRasberry, 1L Captain Morgan Gin, 2 boxes of Fazer Delux Choclate, ! pack of Fresh Tranbär, 1 Pack of fresh Hjortron and some beautytuttifrutty!
The only thing is that I'm not used to buying alcohol så I was bumping the bottles into every seat, every, door all the way through the Swedish Tull! Oops! Never ever ask me to smuggla kokain anywhere, I can hardly bring 100% legall Buze across the boarder :)


ART from KAISMA (my favv Museeum),

This little loover is Mr CINNAMONROLL
I carried him all the way through the streets of Helsinki!
The two of us aren't just your ordinary HEROES ;)


A Criminal

Mo I am so so sorry!

Jo: I thought that I would have time to buy new nail polish at the airport but I got lost at Arlanda (Terminal 5 is a really long way away).

I will never ever forget the time when I had lunch with Mo a sunny day and complimented her on her nails; they were sweet apricot and dazzling to her skin color. I asked her:
- Do you have the same beautiful color on your toes?

She looked at me as if I was sent from outer space. I looked back not knowing what GRAND misstake I just did!

She answered me in a very focused voice:

- NO! You never ever, ever paint both your toenails and fingernail (do you say fingernails? Our conversation was in Swedish) in ONE color! NEVER!

I am so so sorry Mo!
Since that day, I have NEVER painted all 20 nails in one color, but now I am in Helsinki, in a Hotel room, all by myself and I was bored!

Can you forgive me?!



Tallinn is in Estonia!

I did it!

Tallinn CHECK!

Back on the road...

Mo: I´m leaving for Crete in a couple of hours... the bag is packed (well, things have randomly been thrown into the suitcase...). Yoga mat, sunscreen lotion, sun glasses, contact lenses, 5 bikinis and the camera have all been ticked off the list. I´ll find out exactly what I have forgotten in the next couple of days, I´m sure.

Read more about Triopetra, where the retreat is held, on http://www.astanga.gr/triopetra/

I´m delighted that Crete is not a shopping destination. My shopping ban is still in full effect. I had a VIP-invitation to the Fornarina sample sale yesterday and I managed not to go...(although the thought of not going got me to break out in a sweat at 4 o´clock - the time when the sale started).

Wish me luck with the Monk. I´ll keep you posted (well at least every other day, anyway). See you in 2 weeks!


Without passing GO

Mo: Anyone who owns up to breeding a son with a totally meaningless, bored expression in his face, dressed in brown Gucci loafers, worn with narrow navy slacks and a Fendi-belt, hair in a long greasy back slick, sporting a small pot belly whilst smoking extra thin, extra long cigarettes between his thumb and his forefinger??? Age: between 16-18. (Famous for high fiving his facial hair free friend in a similar outfit, wishing to look, I don´t know...street???)

If you know this BOY, please extract him from my local coffee place immediately and send him by DHL to GULAG, Siberia without passing "GO".

(Or I will have to smack his sorry ass next time I see him and shout "BOOO" really loudly, just to have the pleasure to see him pee his pants and plead for his life...)

What´s wrong with the world today? Does anyone actually WANT their offspring to look and act that WET? God damn it, I´m glad I´m not 17 again.

WE R FAMILY, wanna join?

Leaving on a JETPLANE so so early in the morning! Don’t know if I’ll be back again!

Jo: NO just Kidding, I love my Gothenburg. But with this wicked schedule I might lose myself on the way :)

Thursday – Les Mills Quarterlies Master Classes in Tallinn (flying to Helsinki from there).
Friday – Guest teaching Les Mills Classes in Helsinki
Saturday – Les Mills Quarterlies Master Classes (driving to Tammerfors)
Sunday - Les Mills Quarterlies Master Classes (train back t Helsinki, flying back to Gbg)

I have just finished learning the new programs and they are wicked. These kinds of deadlines (i.e. learning the new programs) and trips come with a “Positive Externality” (this is: * A beekeeper keeps the bees for their honey. A side effect or externality associated with his activity is the pollination of surrounding crops by the bees. The value generated by the pollination may be more important than the value of the harvested honey. Get it?)

My Positive externalities are:

  • My apartment is as tidy as ever
  • I have done all my laundry
  • I have freshly baked bread (which I have to put in the freezer now)
  • I have like 10 matlådor (since I can’t leave food in the fridge, I decided that I either had to eat it or cook it, I did both : )
  • I have paid ALL my bills
  • I have erased all OLD e-mails
  • I have “fräschat upp” my Facebook page from all the unnecessary applications and friends
  • I have counted all my EUROS
  • I have bought new meditation cushions
  • I have charged my Camera, Mobile Phone, computer, Ipod,
  • Am about to paint my nails
  • Have answered all OLD “hang around” e-mails
  • Have erased all “this is a quite sms, I must keep it” sms
  • And the night is still young ☺

I have found these great pics online! I love them!
Which one are YOU?
Please please let me know!

Soy and David, all small good things come in great packages :)

Hmm, no names.....

Ohh so QT! PETITE, this must be MANGO :)

Bror? e de du?

Robert, Wish you all the luck on Göteborgsvarvet!
Let loose! Go Go Go

ME, at the moment! Hoppandes, skuttandes, lurandes, Meet the new Jo, the PUMA (still sponserd by NIKE though!)



This is the only question worth asking according to Nietzsche!

The first person I talked to in India told me this.
After hiding in my hotel room until noon I gathered courage to go out and face the busy streets of New Delhi. I walked and walked and walked.

After 8 hours of walking I decided to sit down (I took the “safe” option and choose “THE COFFEE HOUSE” in Coughnout Place, recomended by Lonely Planet : ).
There I meet this wicked old Irish fellow who walked EVERYWHERE, and I mean EVERYWHERE!!
He was just about to walk into the dessert of India to watch the famous Camel Fair in Pushkar. We clicked and shared many things (I told him more about myself then I’ve ever dared to tell anyone before, maybe it was the heat, maybe it was the sweet chai?).
He showed me how to use the underground, how to drink Black Coffee from Kerala and after that I never saw him again.

But he will always be with me, and his voice when he tells me:

The only question worth asking yourself is: WHY DON’T YOU KILL YOURSELF?

N. is on his way to the 10day VIPASSANA retreat in Sweden. I did it in Dharmkot, in the Himalayas, and then a second time in Sweden.

I envy him!

I guess that India thought me The Art of Dying, which in a sense is The Art of Living!


Speak up!

Mo: Top 5 Things you should NEVER accept from anyone - in your private life, your professional life or in your relationship:

1. People talking down to you or belittling you.
2. People trying to put the blame on you, trying to cover up their own mistake(s).
3. People notoriously being late.
4. People back stabbing you.
5. Bitterness, jealousy, continuous lies or violence.

You deserve better than that. Speak up! (..."or forever be quiet")


May I Jam your Body?!

Yees, I made it through the day and now I can’t seem to stop.

On Thursday I’m on a plane to Tallinn, getting ready to ROCK, literally!

I am teaching three BODYJAM 45 master classes.
BODYJAM™ is the cardio workout where you are free to enjoy the sensation of dance. An addictive fusion of the latest dance moves and hottest new sounds puts the emphasis as much on having fun as breaking a sweat. Get high on the feeling of dance!

Right now my HIGH is this song! Its' the 4th song on the playlist and the style it Contemporary Rock, h..ll yeah! The feel is unleashed Hard Rock, and I am working on the Butterfly Jump (must admit that I DO NOT feel like a butterfly at the moment but I am hoping, that will have changed till Thursday : )

My other HIGH is my big fat NIKE BAG filled with goodies. I am definitely wearing the mini gold/black shorts in my masterclasses. I just haven’t decided if I shall wear the brown/gold leather boots or my purple/gold dunk lows? What do you think?

Anyway it is gonna be HOT HOT HOT

U can join me in Gothenburg on Sportlife City next week Thursday 610pm!

Until then I guess you just have to wait….

Work hard but play HARDER (Life is what´s going on right now)

Mo: About a year ago, I decided that, yes, I LOVE my work, but what is the price of working more or less EVERY day AND every weekend from Jan-Jun and end of August-mid Dec?

Well, judging from my relationship history, the answer is simple. My work always came first. And at best my relationship would come in a good second. This, as you might gather, would lead to quite predictable results.

So what to do? If you don´t change anything, you will always get the same results.
What I decided to change was: the way I work and live and play.

I decided I would continue to work hard, 7 days a week, when I work, but then take at least 1 month off during the summer, 1 month off during the winter + time off during the term.
NOW is the time to do it - to LIVE and to LOVE - not later...

That´s how P and I end up going to Crete less than 2 weeks after NY...

1 week will be spent with the MAD, incredibly talented man below, Jonathan Monks.

The man who defies gravity and makes flying possible.
The king of inversions and unbelievable challenges.
I can not wait to have a full week of inspiration from this man! Even if it means facing my fears of going upside down right in the core of their being!

The rest of the time (1 week) will be spent running, sun bathing, mountain biking, hiking and reading in the warm, Greek spring sun somewhere on the island together with P.
I´m traveling on Thursday evening and I´ll be back Friday 2 weeks later.

This is (just a taster) of what can be expected in Crete:

Hiding the leg-asana...


Which direction Am I going?-asana....

I´m sure I put my leg somewhere over here???...

...and on a different note, before I go. I know that readers of this blog are getting quite used to my speeding habits and weekly-almost-run ins with the police. Therefore I had to do a second round in the Allén tonight, so that I could take a photo of the 4th speeding control that I have passed through in as many weeks-without getting caught... I wasn´t sure you would believe me otherwise!

I´ll be on my bike for the rest of the summer...

Tell me WHY..I don't like MONDAYS...Tell me why...

I usually LOVE Mondays, but this Monday is not such a Monday!

U know the feeling when it is realy really hard to stay in the present. I am already imagining the coming days, the coming weeks, the coming month and it all forms into a big snowball (like the snowball effect u know. Faster, faster and faster and I can’t stop it!).

Isn’t it weird or funny how your entire apartment, your desk, your drawers, even your neighbors entrance is as tidy as ever when you have that THING you have to finish (like for example din deklaration). All of the sudden you have 15 lunchboxes with home made bread. I mean what’s up with that?

So if you see me running away as “Monday” takes a quick nap, please tell him when he wakes up that you have NO IDEA what hole I went down!


Ps. By the way, DAVID GUETTA rocks my world!!!


How can you be so damn...not fat?!!

Mo: A lot of people do not believe the amount of food I eat. For almost all my life (except from that spell in my teens, see the thread "Body Beautiful") I have been eating more than most people I know, both men and women - and fast with it too. I LOVE food! Particularly on a day off.

So here goes, "What Mo eats on a day off":

Breakfast/Lunch (after a 5k run)
Half a rainbow trout (the one that M caught in the lake last night!)
1 Omelette - 3 eggs, cheese, peppers and mango chutney
1 smoothie - 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 handful of frozen strawberries, full fat yogurt and 1 table spoon of organic peanut butter.

The rest of what was left of the morning smoothie.

Dinner, see below

2 pieces of spare rib, 1 large piece of pork loin...

1 home made hamburger made from elk meat + 3 fresh potatoes + a huge portion of salad with feta cheese and bulgur...

...followed by 3 home made waffles like the one above - covered in full fat whipped vanilla cream mixed with kesella, topped with fresh strawberries...

...ending with 1/2 cup of coffee and a small piece of mum´s home made cheesecake with raspberries...

As covered before in this blog, I don´t do diet products and I don´t do half-fabricates. I take butter instead of margarine and I believe that fat in your diet makes you as obese as vegetables in your diet makes you go green. I could never become a vegan or a vegetarian, because my whole life would be spent eating, trying to induce the sufficient amount of proteins (not to mention how not social you feel after digesting 2kg of beans...) and fat to not shrink into a bean stalk.
I avoid sugar to the most possible extent and I stopped doing soft drinks all together about 1 year ago.

I eat crisps and ice cream irregularly and once in a while I like to eat some really salt or sour candy, but most of the time (and forgive me for repeating myself) I just love my FOOD!

I truly believe that different people have different inclinations - some of us are more protein and fat prone and others lean more towards carbohydrates. If you take some time to listen to your body and your body´s reactions after you´ve eaten different types of food (ie bloated, sore, tired, drained or energetic, strong, powerful, awake), you will actually instinctively know which type you are.

Great love and food makes the world go round... :)