

Yesterday was full on! No rest, privates and classes to teach!

Today is the same - and I am riding on the NIKE wave still energized (though I have to tak
e a powernap every now and then :)

The two coming weeks is a Deep Dive into YOGA and that is something that truly gives me energy, PRANA!

Yoga is the only "sport" that I can do every day without getting bored or injured. That must mean something right!!

My brother is helping me with the manufacturing of the MANUALS and today he said (and he is NOT into yoga at all): That Krishnamacharya dude lived till he was 101 years old, that's pretty soft :)

Yeah Bro it is!!! If you want to treat yourself this week and still live a long life I have some special treats for you under INSPIRATION on www.jira.se

Off to my Crawl Session Now :)



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