
Doctor, doctor


I truly HATE taking any medication, but since I coughed for more than 3 months last time, I´m not going to let that happen again.
In the autumn I needed to use this asthma inhalator to get rid of the cough, so wise from the experience, I´m trying the same remedy this time.

My coughing scares small children. Literally. Each time I have an attack, Robin looks as if he´s going to jump out of his skin, or he starts crying. Not a good thing.

I have a Kettlebell course on Saturday and I NEED to be well for that. I started back on Pulmicort on Sunday and it´s just slightly better. Any other great ideas?



susanita said...

ångbastu med massa eukalyptys, massa sömn o vila. Hmm, vet inte vilket som är lättast att få tag på.... ;D
Hoppas du kryar på dig fortare än fortast.

mojo said...

hmmmmmm....tror att ångbastun är lättare att fixa en sömn och vila just nu... :))
Tack, fina du!
