

With David Regelin - What is ACTUALLY happening in the sessions :?

So happy that SO MANY of you are ON for the workshop in November with David!
He is very excited about meeting you :)

Here is WHAT each class will focus on:

Sportlife Exclusive- Gothenburg

26 Friday
kl 18-20 Multi-intenso Class

27 Saturday
kl 1130-1330 Alignment and Measure - How to adjust yoga postures and fine tune the body/mind. Slower pace, detailed instruction and thorough postural adjustments.

kl 1430-16 Conditioning - Dynamic movement, strength and endurance drills. Upbeat, athletic, exhilarating, choreographed to music :)

28 Sunday
kl 11-13 Dynamic Skill - Hand balancing, deep/advanced yoga postures explained and demonstrated and assisted.

kl 1430-16 THE Multi-intenso Class - The full multi-intenso class as taught in new york: combines all of the above with an esoteric dialogue :)

You DON'T need to come to the classes in any specific order, COME AS YOU ARE and PLAY with us!

1 klass 350kr
2 klasser 600kr
Alla klasser (5st) 1 250kr

För SPORTLIFARE: (instruktörer och medlemmar!)
1 klass 300kr
2 klasser 550kr
Alla klasser (5st) 1 000kr

If you want a spot place your payment to JIRA BG 4780821 (write your FULL NAME) and email JIRA@ME.COM with your name and what classes you want to attend :)



Erika said...

Tack för skönt pass igår JO!

Har haft konstigt nervryck i vänster triceps hela dagen idag?!
Lite konstigt eftersom tricepmuskeln är den muskel jag inte har men väljer att se det som positivt ändå, den kanske håller på att födas ;)

Nästa vecka hoppas jag hinna till din spinning också MO!

Ha en fin helg!!

Kram Kram

mojo said...

Oj,,, hoppas hon lugnade ner sig lilla triceps ;)
Jag hade konstiga ryck i hela kroppen (men det kan nog översättas som TRÄNINGSVÄRK :) YUM!

Ser fram emot att ta bra hand om henne på onsdag igen :)

Ha en härlig helg Jo