
BodyBalance 41...

...damp just ner i brevlådan.
And I can't wait to learn this new release! Why? Well, yees it is nice with a new program and new music but this time...OH MY GOD...The instructors are HOT HOT HOT, or one of them is, and he is wearing JEANS and JEANS only... I must admit that I have never ever been more excited about a new release in my enitre life!

(perhaps I have been focusing on work liiiiite för länge and forgotten about .... other fun stuff)

I usually don't get to exicetd over BODIES but this dude is flexible, charming, funny, does yoga, has abs out of this universe, is functional ( mm we likey) and in my computer ready to go whenever I say so!

It doesn't get better!

Balance Me Up Bejb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

liiiite vältränat...