
The Bump reaches new heights


Something happened during those 5 days in Barcelona.

I went to Spain with a small bump and came back with something considerably larger and heavier...

I sort of got the message the other night when I was trying to wear my vintage KIZZ t-shirt and it hardly covered half my belly, so now it´s time for big and baggy. (Unless I´m training, then tight is still fine, I just have to order some larger clothes, because I´ve definitely outgrown size S...)

I had lunch with darling JO today and I was happy to be able to properly introduce her to Bebbelina, as she was kickin´around madly at that time. It´s kinda spooky feeling a baby´s movement for the first time - very Alien-like...

Had a fab spinning+kettlebell tonight, and I have to say I´m surprised how strong my stomach muscles still are? Will try to find the time for a run tomorrow - it was too long ago and I really want to make the most of this weather.

One of the tunicas/dresses that I borrowed from sis the other day. I think it might be from MQ. Boots by Ash. Tights from Kookai. I´ve lived in my 3 pairs over the last 3 months...

...and here´s the Bump. It´s hard to catch it in a photograph...a bit like the Loch Ness-monster or Big Foot....



Terese said...

Du är ju jättefin ju! KRAM. Fika nästa gång du har vägarna förbi Stockholm?

susanita said...

Åh, vilken fin kula!
Ha en skön joggingtur i det härliga vårvädret.

mojo said...

TACK Terese & Susanita!

Terese, är du hemma till helgen? Mailar dig på din hotmail...

Susanita, hoppas att du & din bebbe mår toppen!


Helena said...

Du är så fin! Ska bli kul att se dig imorgon och klappa den lille KILLEN...jippi!
Stor kram!

mojo said...

TACK Helena!

Vi ses imorgon, :)

Kramar i massor