
Retail Therapy


During this whole pregnancy business, I haven´t felt like shopping AT ALL... It´s not very encouraging when old sizes fly out the window and only over-sized items fit over the bump. Which means: pregnancy means black numbers for your bank account!

However, today was a different day...maybe I got inspired when P came home for lunch and saw me wearing a pair of HUGE harem-pants pulled up to my armpits & burst out: "OBELIX?!" (as in Asterix & Obelix...)

I came back with 3 new dresses, new shoes and...a new handbag...Gorgeous!

In Walnut-brown - a gorgeous clutch from Hoss Intropia...



Jennie said...

Obelix va ju jättegulligt :) Men jag förstår, handla kläder är verkligen inget man gör på slutet... När e beräknad datum förresten?

K said...

Haha, entertaining story. Good for you to get some shopping done! Great bag.

Keep enjoying the sunshine outside and take good care of yourself and the bump, the lovley bump.

All my best och kramar till er från Karin

mojo said...

Ohhhh, beräknad ankomst: 4 juli...
Hoppas vi hinner ses innan dess!

how´s the north?
Glad you liked the bag-it was going outside for a testdrive today, until I realized it´s raining cats & dogs this morning! :(

Kramar till er båda