
Blast from the Past

Spot the sleeping baby...getting tired just watching mum & dad putting the apartment in order....


Things are actually slowly starting to get together in our new place. We got a lot of things done in the last 2 days and I´m hoping tomorrow will really make a huge difference. After tomorrow there should not be more than 3-4 boxes left to unpack and those will have to wait until we get our bathroom completely set and until we do a second run to our other storage.

We went to a garden party tonight. Robin is 6 weeks and he does get around! I didn´t really know too many people at the party, but met a face that I haven´t seen for years. It was funny, seeing someone from my party-period. Was that really me in those years? Of course it was, although it feels like a lifetime ago.
I am grateful to have had that stage in my life. I never have to wonder what it feels like, dancing on the bar and ordering Long Island Ice-tea at 4am in the morning, getting home at 5am to go to work at 8.30am...

Hahaha, these days I struggle to stay awake past 2am!



Helena said...

Han är så sjukt söt...som ett litet knyte som bara njuter av livet. Mitt mål i höst är att bli lite mer som honom. Childs pose lite oftare och bara stänga av världen...heja Robin, han har redan förstått ett och annat här i livet!

mojo said...

Tack Helena!
Absolut mer child´s pose den här hösten, det är säkert!

Hoppas du har det fint,

Varma kramar