
From CHAOS comes order...


We started the day relaxed with a lazy breakfast. When our pre-made Sunday plans suddenly changed (no brunch -free time instead), we looked at each other.
P takes one look at my face and then moans: "Nooooo, don´t even say it... It´s Sunday, there´ll be millions of people!!!"

1h later we´re on our way. To the blue and yellow place.

Let me explain, P and I have never had a storage in all the places we have lived in for the last 3 years. (First place: Short term lease without storage, Second place: huge apartment, but with flooding in the basement=no storage, Third place: today´s apartment. Since we moved in they´ve been stabilizing the ground of the building=no storage...)

Try to keep some order in your living quarters, when everything you ever have accumulated is to fit into 3 rooms...
(Just my shoes need a room of their own!)

On Friday the basement was finally done and HURRAY, from now on it will actually be possible to enter the spare room! :)

Why does this place induce so much STRESS in me?

From chaos...

...comes order....
I loved the red boxes, they just had to come home with me.


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