
MOJO creates

Wow. Thank you Soffan, Jessica & Magnus, who all nominated MOJO for the blog award above!
To publish the award the following needs to be done:

1. Kopiera awarden på sin blogg

2. Länka till personen som gett dig awarden

3. Berätta 7 intressanta fakta om dig själv!

4. Välj ut 7 andra bloggar du vill ge awarden till

5. Länka till deras bloggar & kommentera hos dem att de har en Award att hämta!

So, I will give the award to 3 people and tell 3 1/2 interesting things about myself and I´ll let JO do the other 4+3 1/2... :)

1. I have a VERY lazy person living inside me. If I can, I take the elevator and I LOVE taxis!

2. I don´t wear make-up regularly, but I have THE biggest collection of Chanel lipgloss of anyone I know (The result of travelling with work for 15 yrs and having too much free time at airports...) - 90% of which are NEVER worn - and probably never will be.

3. I am a true arachnophobic. I can´t even write the word of the...thing without having cold chills running down my spine.

3 1/2. I never shaved, waxed or else with my legs until my 32nd year of living.

The nominating other blogs? I have very little time reading blogs, so when I do, I swing by the blogs written by people I know in person, like Jessica, Magnus and Helena.


Helena said...

Åh - tack snälla fina Mo, vad glad jag blir! :)
Ser fram emot att ses i helgen!!! Stora kramar!

mojo said...

Snaaart! :)
