
Not dead

Just tired of it ;)

Almost 10 days of 40degrees fever!

My loved ones tell me strictly NOT to exercies!
Well guys NO need to worry, after 5 min with a book I am exhausted!

Trying my 3rd penecelin thingie now, my tummy doesn't like it but let's hope the basiluskers like it less ;)

Going down south on Thursday where I get to spend time with the worlds greatest grandma, bro and mom jippi!!!

Thank you all for the LOVE you do send me, means so much to me!!!

Interesting: the year of 2010 is really a year of detox for me, first there was the NO SUGER detox and now I'm on the NO MOVEMENT detox - let's just say I liked the first one much much better!!!

What's next Universe :?

Love Jo

- Jo flowing on The IPhone

Out on the town


Keep guessing... :)

Wow, had a WONDERFUL night with these girls! Thank you so much for exercising my laughing muscles to exhaustion!...

And no, I wasn´t done for speeding this morning...phew!

- Blinged from my iPhone

Did I, or didn't I?


- Blingblinged from my iPhone


...and so did Tobbe!

...who rode ALL the 12h in a row in today's Spin of hope at Gymnasium, Sisjön.
You will fly through Kalmar's Ironman, Tobbe!

After a day´s work. 12h for Tobbe, 3h for me. :)

- Blingblinged from my iPhone

Sportlife Rocks!

Oh,yes they did! Thanks Pontus, Johan, Johanna, Maria, Therese & Anders for your support!
Robert - get better soon!

Titti & Agneta, glad I got to wake u up Saturday morning!

Inger, Anna-Maria & Kristin - great job, as always - 300 instructors under one roof, RESPECT!!! :)
Jim, Emil, Åsa & Katta Å, I hope you all have fab classes, sorry I couldn´t stay longer.
Linnéa, lovely to see you for 5 seconds. :)

Indoor walking

Anders and Titti to his left

Fab Therese Popristov

Blogger Emil & a very sweaty me (after 1 kettlebell class and 1 spinning class)


Getting ready for tomorrow


Tomorrow, Saturday, this is where I´ll be:

8.30-9.30 Kettlebell Challenge class
9.45-10.45 Spinning Up and beyond
at Sportlife Partille

18.00-19.00 The last ride home
at Gymnasium, Sisjön


I get around


A friend sent me this today:

The photograph must have been taken from my website without my knowledge.
Well,well, at least they made me a doctor... :)

- blingblinged from my iPhone

It's NO ordinary day


IT'S THE WORLDS GREATEST, Most Fun, Wicked, Strongest, Most Powerfull, Artisitc, Creative, Full of LOVE Mother's B-Day :)

Happy Happy B-Day Mom!!!

Marilyn and You ;)

I'll give this one back to you mom:
"Du ska tacka dina gudar
om de tvingar dig att gå
där du inga fotspår har
att lita på" - Karin Boye




I'm reminded of the POWER of so many things :)


Isn't life brilliant :)

Go on Have a SHINY Friday

Jo (still in bed and sick, but HOW Many hours can a person sleep?! ;)


Venus vs Mars

If you ask a guy for 3 different things, which ones will he bring back home:?

1 Tullips
2 Waffels
3 FireWire cable

A) all three
B) None
C) hm the...

Pick your guesse, I'll put up the pic evidence 2morrow :)

- Jo flowing on The IPhone


And the day came when.....

She had enough and....

Arrggg Are you kiding me?!

Spent 6 hours waiting to get a final judgement from a doctor... And then the final judgement was:
- well it might be halsfluss or it might be körtelfeber, we cant tell right now. Start with these pilla and comeback back in a couple of days...

I now know that me and my body don't like kvpenin or whatever it is called so I got some speciall pencelin.

Or so I thougt...

After lying in bed, trying to get myself to go to the pharmacy I finaly made it out...

Queeing for 20min before my turn and then:
- ehm no there's nothing for you here, are you sure you need something?!


Al I want is waffels and tulips!!!!

No shanti today

- Jo flowing on The IPhone

MOJO Yoga & Hot MOJO


MOJO Yoga & Hot MOJO featured in the April number of Fitness-Magazine,
in stores now!

Don´t they just look FAB, the Medley crew???

Ohhhh, I´m glad my feet are clean!

Gorgeous JO showing how it´s done! By the way, Get well soon, honey.


I'm game


Ok. It´s on. 6k at 7.30am.
It was my first run with my brand new Nike Lunarelite+ shoes and a lime green Nike running jacket (yes, the same one that Joel Kinnaman is wearing in the Around the world campaign).
The Lunarelites were a great ride! Comfortable, light, speedy (the shoes-not me) and gorgeous, what else could you possibly want?

I love the fact that running or biking outdoors give you immediate feedback on your fitness level. I still have some work to do before the end of May...

- Blingblinged from my iPhone


Around the world in 40 days

Joel is in.
Are you?
The challenge starts tomorrow.



Can't remember the last time I had this high fever...

Trying to sleep but it isn't possible, have to change my T-shirt every half hour because my body just can't make up it's mind weather to stay hot or not...

I hate being this sick!
It's one thing when you are kinda sick and you can enjoy lying in the sofa watching bad tv and reading magazines but THIS kind of sick... Yuk!

And let's not even start the discussion on how much you LOSE as privet business woman...
+ the work load of trying to sub your classes in the same breath as you try to remember your own name...

Today I feel tiny!!!!

- Jo flowing on The IPhone

Heels day

Wednesday´s is my meeting and work day. It means I get to wear heels and dress up a bit, since I don´t have to worry about walking out with dried baby food on my shoulder...
Today´s outfit:

Treggings H&M (love, love, love them, but I should have got a size 34...if you buy them, buy them really small), shoes Essential - normally I don´t like wearing brown with grey, but these boots are too cool for school and fit to almost anything, vest Monki, jacket H&M and REAL pearls, gift from Y. I have a sea of cool accessories and my mission for Spring 2010 is: to wear them! Not only for parties - hey, I never go out anymore - but for Monday-Friday.

- Blingblinged from my iPhone


I am the laundry queen

Taken from today's Göteborgs-Posten:

I am actually great when it comes to training clothes and I do have this weird laundry fetish... When I have finished off a huge pile of laundry, I have a weird sensation of calm inside. A bit similar to the feeling that I get after a really good cleaning session....hmmmm... HOW weird IS that? Does anybody else recognise that feeling??? Or is it just me?

Anyway, training clothes apart, when it comes to "normal" laundry,
I´m known to be too fast at times, so on numerous occasions I´ve had pink, grey and light blue items falling out of the washing machine. All which were white when they went in...

- Blingblinged from my iPhone

Full speed ahead


2(!) teeth in 3 days?!
Where will this end???
Puberty by the end of the week?
I was joking a couple of days ago, saying that Robin will be the only toothless 18-year old...
Guess who´s laughing at me now...

- blingblinged from my iPhone


You win some, you loose some

Thank you Magnus for joining me in my 3 classes tonight, spinning, kettlebell and Hot MOJO! You are a trooper!
Also, thank you for the delicious Hello Kitty plasters (which I won for having the most nasty blisters...yes, we are a bit sick...)!

My wonderful first price....it even matches my nail polish! :)

I´ve had both fabulous and not so great news in the last two weeks. Remember the price negotiation I went through a while back?
I declined their final offer.
1. It wasn´t good enough.
2. I followed my gut feeling.
Will I live to regret it? Never. Whatever happens, it felt good in the pit of my stomach to say no.

The fabulous news? You´ll have to wait ´til mid September to find out. I´m sorry, but that´s the way it is. :)
Maybe I´ll be able to give you a little teaser before the end of May, we´ll see.

Tomorrow will be fairly relaxed, Wednesday and Thursday are all go.
Saturday holds the Sportlife Convention AND Spin of Hope. Yum!


A room with a view

Gha.... I do LOVE my lamp but I detest being sick!

And right now this is al I have energy to look at :(

Feelt a fever coming up the last days in Sälen but I managed.

This morning it wasn't to bad but after a visit to my osteopath (spelling:?), a looping hardcore visit I feelt the fever blooming out :(

Had to cancel my lovely Hot yogan and yogaflow, and now I'm meditating the fever away so that I can teach my 4 classes tomorrow... Or what do you say:?

Stuborn - yes!
On the virge of Stupid - sometimes!
So hard to tellthe difference though...

Hopa you have flow loved ones!

- Jo flowing on The IPhone


Because I'm worth it...

...Sunday dinner after a looong day...

Home made food at mum´s, so, so YUMMY!

...with an ice cold beer...Czech of course...

- blingblinged from my iPhone


2 days ago...

... Not only has he been out longer than he was inside... He finally got his first tooth!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


In the slopes after a windy start this morning!

It is truly magical up here but it's still not my 100% thing.

It might be my knee getting in my way, and i really don't wanna fuck it up more...

But it's not only that, it's also the fact that it takes 5min to get tithe top and 1min to go down.

Sure I meditate! BUT I also LOVE when things evolve, change, progress and has a purpouse!!! And for me right now NONE of the above are happening!

So why am I not in the bar chillin you might ask:?

Well, I DO love to chil! AFTER working hard and I don't get to do that here... So then naturally I don't enjoy chillin. Anyone feels the same? Or am I koko?

3 days in the Swedish Alps ;) are just enough for me!

Can't wait to play on my yogamat, go running, work hard and the play harder ;)

- Jo flowing on The IPhone


The damage continues...

Throw in the towel, Magnus...

Broke my nail this morning. Below the line where the skin meets the nail. Yes, there was blood. You can see it in the picture...

- Blingblinged from my iPhone

Aim High

At The top of The mountain right now :)
Enjoying hot choclate and love Mmmm

The morning slopes were perfect buy now the snow turned into rain and the fog is closing in on us.
Good thing we did a ful on skiing day yeasterday!

And now days there's soo much more you can do when you're on skiing vacation.

Experium is a hughe place with sauna world, water paradise, bowling, cinema, SATS, bars, shopping and food, food, food!

And there's always the best option: doing absolutely nothing with the people you LOVE

- Jo flowing on The IPhone


Bloody serious business


Besides worrying about the state of my palms, this is how I fly these days:

Please note my heart rate monitor in midst of all the chaos...

I´ve started Robin on potty training! He´s only 8 1/2months, but why not start now? My role model is a friend of a friend. She lives in Paris, has 4(!)kids - and all 4 kids were potty trained by the age of 1!!! RESPECT. :)

...one more thing...
If you are a regular MOJO-reader, do your thing and put your vote on the right number...
Let the most damaged (wo)man win!
Say no more.




My left hand got worse after today´s training session.
More filing (sandpaper nail file) and more Aloe Vera tonight.

I should probably have a day off lifting tomorrow and bring out my new kick-ass, gorgeous NIKE Lunarelite+ running shoes for a first gentle break-in instead...

- Blingblinged from my iPhone



In fjällen :)

After full on morning/mid day the little racer car left gbg for the north!

6,5 hours, 2 stops and 3 playlist later we arrived!
Lovely cottage with 7 funlovin peop's greated us :)

Relaxing in the sofa whilst looking at the slopes, part of me can't wait to get out there & another part of me is scared to...

Let's see who takes the lead tomorrow; chicken or tiger :?

Sweet dreams Jo

- Jo flowing on The IPhone


This is what your hands look like after practicing a high number of snatches. Ouch. Not cool.
And this is just the beginning...
Top quality Aloe Vera - normally used to treat burns - is the only treatment that has worked for me so far.

- Blingblinged from my iPhone


Inte SEX...

... but FOUR

I have 4 !!!! MAC computers in my 38m2 apt. This is insane - Gotta leave one behind!


No sweat, baby

Did I really say that?

Today´s Göteborgs-Posten

The word(s) that are missing in front of cardio-, interval or weight training, are "tough/hard/high intensity". In that case anyone who goes to my classes knows I did.
And meant it. :)

- blingblinged from my iPhone

Going Skiing

It's been a while....

Good thing I can blame it on the knee ;)

Wednesday till Sunday in SÄLEN! Never been to Sälen before. The only time I've been skiing in Sweden was in Åre at the age of 9 and all I remember from the swedish skiing was ICE ICE COLD BABY!!!

Let's see if I make it home ALIVE in ONE piece :?



Photos from HKC at the weekend


As a part of my preparation for the main certification - the RKC in Copenhagen in May together with Pavel "the Macho Russian" Tsatsouline, I joined the HKC at the weekend. Professionally organized by Fredrik Högström, we spent a day together with Kenneth Jay and Dennis Frisch.

A bird´s view of the group

To get your certification you need to prove some strength. In the HKC that´s hanging with your chin over the bar for a minimum of 15 sec. I was prepared for 25 (because that´s what it said on the website) but certainly didn´t mind 10 seconds less. :)

I was SO cold for the main part of the day, with a runny nose and a terrible cough...but I DID wear colour! ;)

Kettlebell has really helped me fixing my poor ankle mobility

Getting graded at the end of the day. First: technique...

...and then in teaching skills...

Group photo!



Sweden´s first Hot MOJO studio...

...looks like this from the outside when it´s packed with 60 people...
I know the photograph is blurry, but it´s supposed to be.
The picture has been blurred to protect the innocent...

I was changed into black hot pants and a juicy little top, raring to go, but Robin had NO intention whatsoever to be left in kindergarten and therefore cried hysterically until I came to pick him up 5 minutes before the class was starting. Poor soul. Having kids definitely means handing over the decision power to someone else. Even if that "else" is only 8 months old. :)


Baby I'm


At least I'm back on Mojo!
After 8 weeks on VR Rock Victorious blog I'm finaly home :)

Can't imagine the world without Mo, what a super trouper!!!
Love u girlfriend ;)

And I'm almost back home in Gbg as well, just 90 more min.

Spent the last 2,5 days in the south of Sweden with MOM and dear friends. Working, realxing, wining and dining :)

Love it down here!

Great convention at Gerdahallen where I got to spend time with gorgeous Richmond (what a vivid, radiant soulman :), Robert whom I'm getting to know better and better and the more I get to know him the more I love him :)
Wicked l, fierce Hot Momas Anna and Emma - talk about Energy!!!
Daniel from Activio, wow :) what a gent!!! Always very present! Love being around present people!

And not to mention my supa grandma ...

Also done many of my "coach" homeworks today + a short run in the very very windy sun :)

Is somebody picking me up at the centralstation in Gbg... Don't know... Will it feel like coming home? Don't know yet...
One of my weaknesses I guesse is that I never want to leave or quit doing something once I started...

What about you, are you a beginner or finisher:?

Love Jo

- Jo flowing on The IPhone

Breakfast for queens

Sunday hotel breakfast in your own city rocks! A breakfast for queens.

Then a walk in the spring sunshine. More coffee and cake.
Now, an afternoon nap (when was the last time THAT happened?) and then off to do some training.
What a perfect Sunday.

- Blingblinged from my iPhone


HKC certification

Getting ready for the HKC (hardstyle kettlebell cert.)...

Master RKC Kenneth Jay & RKC Team leader Dennis

The whole gang at the end of the day

Listening with full attention...

...more focus...

A great group of people, with some familiar faces!

- Blingblinged from my iPhone