Covers everything from health and fitness to fashion with passion, food, love and life. MOJO is run by two spiritual warriors who will give you their YIN and YANG of reality.
We All Want to Be Young (spanish subtitle) from box1824 on Vimeo.
LOVE and WHIPPED CREAM and POWER and absolutely NO Pepsi Max to Jessica who decided to send me a CHERRY On the TOP Award!
The Cherry on the Top Award innebär att ”the Cherry” ska göra följande:
2. Kopiera utmärkelsen till sin blogg
3. Avslöja tre saker man gillar
4. Skicka körsbäret vidare till fem andra bloggare som förtjänar det.
Here goes...
3 things that I like:
1. Well: My work! I don´t like it-I LOVE it. I cannot think of any other job that could be more rewarding than working with people and training. Magic.
2. Shoes. Preferably high heeled ones. The ones with the red sole will soon be mine.
3. Driving too fast. For Swedish speed limits that is. I would be fine in Germany. And that is what I will tell the Swedish traffic police the day I get caught. Because it´s bound to happen.
5 other bloggers that deserve the award? I´m sorry, but I´m quite useless in this department. I only read blogs by people that I know, like
Jessica Clarén & Helena Olmås.
These people are either fantastic friends, very interesting, TALENTED and opinionated people or all of the above.
At least 3 of the names have already achieved the award, but hey, I´m just being honest. AND I´m breaking rules, 'cause that was 6 names. Well, let the blog Gods punish me, rules are made for breaking.
It's Lady Yo-ga!
"Lady Gaga got hot and sweaty as she showed off her moves during a gruelling HOT yoga session.
The Poker Face star turned up unexpectedly at Tricia Donegan's Manhattan studio – where she posed for pictures and left 39-year-old Donegan a thank-you note.
At first, Donegan said she didn't recognise the 24-year-old singer, real name Stefani Germanotta, who used to attend her yoga classes when she was a student at New York University.
"Gaga said to me, 'To jog your memory, I confided in you and cried in your lap about a food problem I was having,’" Donegan told a local news station.
"She told me I had talked to her about the proper hydration and proper nutrition necessary to having enough energy and strength.
"She said she no longer has a food problem and that I saved her life."
Asked if the pop star was any good at yoga, Donegan said: "I don’t know if she’s flaming hot, but she’s definitely hot."
She also revealed that Gaga’s thank-you note, scrawled on pink paper, read: "Tricia, Thank you so much for today. Lately, I've been kicking a** in yoga, but I'm excited to embark on an even deeper journey with you. You are such an inspiration. I will be back soon. With more hydration + sleep.
"Yoga heals me + so do you. Love, Lady Gaga."
I LOVE the HOT MOJO - cause it is hot but it is NOT cruelling HOT!
Come play with us - I am teaching Wednesday 7am @ Masthugget!!!
Btw - we are shooting NEW MOJO pics soon - any ideas/requests?!