
Women who had IT in 2010

The year is coming to and end. Business wise, it has been an extraordinary year in many ways, with both highs and lows. The last couple of months turned out to be a rollercoaster ride that had more turns and twists than Balder... I´m ready to leave 2010 behind and LEAP into 2011. What will I bring and what will I leave behind in these new and fresh and exciting days ahead?

I will bring:
- more family time and less weekend work
- more work structure. I have an office from February 1, only that in itself will bring 100% better organization.
- my business partnerships. The only way to go.
- team work. I love my Incycle-crew!
- curiousness and courage.

What I will leave behind:
- a couple of really bad business deals, which sucked, but where I also learned a lot.
- the stress of the last 6-8 weeks of 2010. Some days I actually hardly recognized myself.
- not taking enough time off-for travelling, training and reading.

Who inspired me in 2010?
My family.
My students.
My team.
My new collaborations and partnerships.
Any famous people? Not that many actually, but here´s a few that did:

For her music, her charisma, but most of all for leaving the man who abused her and going public with it.

For her straightforwardness, her love of designer clothes, her "toys" and houses she bought herself - for her own money - in her LBZ (life before
Z) and how she indeed stands firmly on her own two legs, managing not only two, but in my opinion, three kids, one of which happens to be Sweden´s most famous footballer.

For her raw and real talent. For the full 3 pages spread in one of my favourite magazines, the British Marie Claire. For actually properly dressing up on the red carpet. For daring to leave, in more ways than one.

Does anything need to be said? Best song of the year, 2010, according to P3 is "Dancing on my Own". Of course. A social media QUEEN. Business- and entrepreneur savvy as few. Strong. Forward. And owned only by herself.

But, my biggest source of inspiration 2010 has come from a place very much closer to home.
With a few weeks exception during this last year, it has been my weekly fikas with the woman to the left in the photograph above that has been the most inspiring, fun, creative, mad and absolutely bloody wonderful. Thank you for 2010, JOJO.
2011 will be the year of the MOJO.

MAKE all your wishes come true.


Is the word for the new year :)

What a last day of 2010!!
Left sweet James home filed with love and chocolate :)

Jivamukti yoga - Durga rocks!!
Theme - SHIVA - Fuck Yeah$&@

Now Electric for the last supper :)

Changing in the airport for the celebration and good byes!
Love death and birth of stuff!!

- Jo flowing om The IPhone :)

100% Earned

Thank you NIKE for thinking that MO & JO are 100% EARNED. :)
We´ve received beautiful, hand painted hoodies carrying our names.
40 Swedish women have been selected, because we, according to Nike, have "worked hard to be where we´re at and because we´re role models for other women out there".

- Blinged from my iPhone


With u not against U!

Brunch in borough market!!!
Or bakisfood some call it!

What a wedding!!!

I am officially in LOVE with it!

I'm gonna do it some day!

Katy and Jack were astonishing hosts! Talk about LOVE in the air, I started crying when I walked into the room hahaha

Now after Tate Modern and brunch we're off to Soho, Liberty YUM and then underground clubbing :)

Ce u in 2011!!!

Cowabunga Jo

- Jo flowing om The IPhone :)



I´m so thankful - I have some fantastic clients!
One of them is actually two at the moment. Meet Jennie, pregnant in week 37:

You can see pictures from today´s session on Jennie´s blogg.

- Blinged from my iPhone


What's LO(ndon)VE got to do with it...

On our way to London to celebrate LOOOOVE!

Could it get any better?

Yoga, Champagne, dinners, clubbing, dancing, shopping, strolling, fika :)

It is our BELOVED YOGINI KATY APPLETON who is marrying her PRINCE JACK :)
Whoop Whoop Whoop

Me and A make sure we get there in time ( so we can enjoy the city before THE PARTY!)

See u in 2011

Lots and LOTS of LOVE to you MOJO's!

You are with me in body, mind and spirit(us)



All aboard the X-mas train

Ready... Steady... Christmas!!!
I love Christmas.
Maybe because I'm brought up in a house where both my mother and my sister WORSHIP everything from the Santa figures, to the food, the buying of X-mas presents and the socializing.
After some last minute Christmas stress, we've finally landed on the couch in the country. Brilliant.
I'm planning to do as little as possible for the next 48h...:)

Merry Christmas MOJOs, may your festivities be all you wish 'em to be!

- X-mas blinged from my iPhone


Express Yourself

Today being normal has become boring, and in spite of neutralizing differences it is cool to express them!

We All Want to Be Young (spanish subtitle) from box1824 on Vimeo.



Chillin in the south


JULens Gyllene regler!!!

  • Det som du äter när ingen ser, det har inga kalorier.
    (enligt den kända PR-devisen: syns du inte så finns du inte)
  • När du dricker en lättdryck tillsammans med en chokladkaka, kommer kalorierna i chokladkakan att bli nollade av lättdrycken.
    (matematikens första huvudsats: +1 – 1 = 0 )
  • När du äter tillsammans med andra, räknas bara de kalorier som du äter mer än dem.
    (allt är relativt – enligt Nobelpristagaren Albert Einstein, 1905. Och han brukade inte ha fel.)
  • Mat som intas för medicinskt ändamål (som t.ex. varm choklad, rödvin, whisky, etc.) räknas aldrig.
    (är du det minsta tveksam? fråga din läkare)
  • Ju mer du fetar upp dem som till vardags finns runt dig, desto smalare verkar du själv.
    (Einsteins relativitetsteori igen, tänk bara vad mycket den kan förutsäga!)
  • Mat (t.ex. popcorn, jordnötter, läskedryck, choklad och karameller) som intas som en del av underhållningen när du ser på film eller hör på musik, innehåller inte kalorier eftersom den inte intas såsom föda, utan som en del av underhållningen.
    (enligt Svensk Film- och Musikindustri AB)
  • Kakor innehåller inte något fett om du bryter dem och intar bit för bit, eftersom fettet förångas när kakorna bryts.
    (Tänk bara på att göra det inomhus, ute i kylan förångas fettet dåligt!)
  • Allt som slickas från knivar, skedar eller annat när du lagar mat, innehåller inte kalorier eftersom de är ett led i matberedningen.
    (var bara försiktig när du slickar knivar, blod innehåller kalorier!)
  • Mat med samma färg har samma kaloriinnehåll (t.ex. gult äpple och ostkaka, tomater och jordgubbssylt).
    (Här kommer en vinnande förklaring: kalorierna sitter i färgen på maten och här gäller "lägsta värdets princip", en regel enligt svenska bokföringslagen)
  • Mat som är fryst innehåller inte kalorier, eftersom kalorier är en värmeenhet.
    (också fysik, tänk vad mycket vetenskapen har att lära oss.... -OBS! gäller även om du använder kJoule, Joule är ju också en värmeenhet)


I wish I could translate this but I am laughing to much!!!!

This is it - ENJOY!!!

It's all about the YIN and YANG peops ;)



Wiser, Smarter, Sexier at 40?

I´m back!
After several days of celebrating leaving my 30s and entering my 40s, I´ve landed on my feet! :)
It has been an absolutely wonderful time of partying, socializing, celebrating and contemplating.

The amazing thing is that it FEELS different at 40. How?
Well, the last week has been a possibility to evaluate where I am in life, what I have achieved, where I want to go and lots of other different exciting train of thoughts.

A quick run through of what I have come up with:

* If you had asked me 5 years ago, I would NEVER have thought I would be married to the love of my life AND be the mother of a phenomenal 1 1/2 year old! Get your head around that one! Sometimes change DO happen more or less immediately. So cool.

* Professionally, I am about 100% more focused now, than I was four years ago. In my 20s and early 30s I just went with the flow and tried a bunch of different jobs (mostly within health and fitness), studied, partied, travelled and I wasn´t too bothered about where I would end up. It sounds awful, but it gave me a lot of experience to help me find the focus I have today.

* Privately, I have become very good at choosing my company. As time becomes more and more precious, I get better and better at only hanging with positive, loyal gals and boys who gives you an energy boost and makes you laugh and think and LIVE, rather than to chew on the old.

* I have NEVER been so at ease and in love with my body as I am right now, at 40.
It is the coolest, most wonderful thing. My body is strong, it can run, it can jump, it can bend, it can carry a heavy Robin up the stairs without protesting and as a bonus, it looks good in a dress!

What I wished I knew at 20:

* You cannot get everyone to like you, so don´t even try, and
* Don´t spend so much time worrying about others people´s business. Make your own.
* Running can be the Bomb.
* NO - eating fat will NOT make you fat - and
* Life do NOT change overnight if you loose 10kg.
* It is true, you can never change people. They can only do it themselves.

So, am I wiser, smarter, sexier at 40? My answer is: Hell, yeah! and the best thing is, I keep learning new things every day, so imagine what it´ll be like at 50?! ;)


Mo is a Girls Best Friend!


U are TRULY the MO to my JO and I wish that I am as close to what you are now when I get there!

LOVE and LÖK Partner

Din JO


The (un)made face of 40...



I´m lucky.
I have amazing friends.
They are funny, kind, smart, super sociable and crazy. Hence the great madness and many laughs when I had a bunch of them around our house last night to celebrate my upcoming 4.0.
The theme, of course, was glamour. Something you can´t have enough of as a toddler parent...:)

Quite a few bottles of champagne later, we kept going until 3am.
And as the famous saying goes, what happens at the party stays at the party...

Wearing this gorgeous silk designer dress for the first time. Exquisite, with hand sown sequins. Remember, a girl can NEVER have too many sparkly dresses!

Together with Elaine & JO.


This is sooooo

My kind of humour!!!

damn you auto correct funny iphone fails and blunders

If i get an OSCAR

it would look something like....


Can you tell that I want to go PARTEY NOW!!!!!



At MO's in a minute :)

I am so ready - 30 pull ups, champagne and knäck as a warm up :)

Just waiting for my Handsome other grown up half to enter LA CASA so we can go and DANCE DANCE DANCE

Hipp hipp hurra

By the way - I am so pleased with my gift :)))



Missat mitt sömntåg...

- Jo flowing om The IPhone :)



Had a tough day after yet another night of bad sleep.
Thankfully, filling the day with energizing students, lovely friends (thanks C & JOJO!) and my rockin´PT, more than helped to get me through my waking hours.

I´ve reached one of my part goals with the lifting. I´ve started to even out the MAJOR differences between my left and right trapezius and rhomboids. Details, details some might think, but I know what such an imbalance can do to the rest of the body, both in everyday life but also in your training. If you saw the clip I uploaded a couple of months ago, you will really be able to tell the difference in my back in today´s mini-movie.

We filmed the new Hot MOJO sequence this afternoon. O.M.G it will ROCK da HOUSE!
I´m very proud of both the new Hot series, but also LOVE the new MOJO Yoga - which will reach clubs in January 2011!

Tomorrow: Robin and admin work. If I in any way could persuade my 1 1/2 year old that a lie in is the new black, I´d be extatic. Good luck with that.



If I lived in VARBERG I would for sure be going to a lot of MOJO Yoga classes!!!

FRISKVÅGEN - just gotta give it to them - THEY ROCK!

Just finished watching their DVD's and talk about MOJO!!! I could also see the participants in the DVD and they were working so hard but with a sun shining in their face!

Not in a million dreams could I imagine this was possible - to spread and work with what I LOVE and see people evolving from it!


Now - I can't wait to get my ass kicked (in a good way - yeas I do like some S&M ;) in this SPRINGS Hot Mojo and MOJO Yoga classes!

Will u come to?!

Here in Gothenburg so far!

Live somewhere else? Wanna know if they do MOJO?!



The season of the (h)UGG

If any year was a great year to buy, not one, but two pairs of UGG boots, it must be the winter of 2010!
I have to admit that I have LIVED in these boots since I bought them and I´m prepared to break ANY fashion statement over and over and over again just to have my feet the perfect temperature they get inside these furry, rubber soled sheepskin slippers.
Being a person with eternally cold feet, there is nothing better than to be able to walk around in -15 degrees, without a trace of a blue toe.
Talk about being grateful for small mercies.

Det blir alltid som man tänkt sig!

Coming up at lorensbergsteatern!

Last week of work now, then Jul in Skåne, love and wedding in London, then it is the new year and I know that it will be an exciting one :)

The weekend was pure love, food, love, food, love, food!

Now lecture by Olof Röhlander! Thank u C for recomending it!

What r u looking fw to this week:?

Love Jo
- Jo flowing om The IPhone :)


Up and rollin'

THANK YOU every single one of you, who came to our open house to mingle, chat and plan for future classes at MyrbergBjörn!!!

Photograph: Linda Jonsson

...and wow, thank you for bearing gifts, such as flowers, candles, chocolate, home made müseli, and other sweetness!
We should be doing this more often. ;)

Our waiting area outside the studio
Photograph: Linda Jonsson

The changing room

Gorgeous photographs shot by Alana.

The cash registrar wouldn´t fit, because of all the wonderful gifts.

An improptu Glögg-table with MORE gorgeous flowers in the studio.


Chillin´ in da Crib

After an absolutely wonderful day together with P and Robin - my first full on FREE day in AGES, we´ve had a completely relaxed evening at home.
"Conditioner for the soul", as we say in Swedish...

The days, weeks and months just seems to have spun by faster and faster this year and I can hardly believe that it´s a) my birthday in about a week´s time - hitting the BIG 4.0. - yiiiihaaa! b) Christmas in less than 2 weeks c) our second wedding anniversary in 2 1/2 weeks AND d) 2011 in 3 weeks!!!

Thanks to P we have sorted out all our X-mas presents today! Well, not physically bought them, but decided who is going to get what. Which by any measures seems to be the hardest part.
I love Christmas and I love giving presents, but trying to buy gifts in a stressed out mood is NOT to be recommended - it always turns out very expensive.
Talking of which, I saw this beautiful, incredibly un-practical bag the other day, what do you think?

Completely so NOT practical, but oh so wantable.



Soon of to the SOUTH :)

So many amazing things happening at the moment :)
And I wish there was more hours to my day!

BUT - soon I'm of with my LOVE to SKÅNE!!!

There I expect this feeling to sneak in....

Have a beautiful weekend MOJO's






LOVE and WHIPPED CREAM and POWER and absolutely NO Pepsi Max to Jessica who decided to send me a CHERRY On the TOP Award!

The Cherry on the Top Award innebär att ”the Cherry” ska göra följande:

1. Tacka den som gav mig utmärkelsen.

2. Kopiera utmärkelsen till sin blogg

3. Avslöja tre saker man gillar

4. Skicka körsbäret vidare till fem andra bloggare som förtjänar det.

Here goes...

3 things that I like:

1. Well: My work! I don´t like it-I LOVE it. I cannot think of any other job that could be more rewarding than working with people and training. Magic.

2. Shoes. Preferably high heeled ones. The ones with the red sole will soon be mine.

3. Driving too fast. For Swedish speed limits that is. I would be fine in Germany. And that is what I will tell the Swedish traffic police the day I get caught. Because it´s bound to happen.

5 other bloggers that deserve the award? I´m sorry, but I´m quite useless in this department. I only read blogs by people that I know, like

Magnus Gårdmark

Linda Jonsson

Sara Rönne

Alana Da Silva

Jessica Clarén & Helena Olmås.

These people are either fantastic friends, very interesting, TALENTED and opinionated people or all of the above.

At least 3 of the names have already achieved the award, but hey, I´m just being honest. AND I´m breaking rules, 'cause that was 6 names. Well, let the blog Gods punish me, rules are made for breaking.


PRESENT(S) Christmas :)

Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth,
You owe Me."

Look what happens with
A love like that,
It lights
the Whole Sky.

Preparing for my privates after a MAGIC morning start with HOT MOJO!
I am so proud, in awe, fascinated by my students!
Watching them grow, evolve, relax into their hearts, minds and bodies is the greatest reward!
I feel like I could QUIT NOW - Like I am done :)
It's a GREAT (and a strange) feeling!

If you really want to GIVE a gift to someone - perhaps it is a:
PRIVATE session 60min YOU
10 clips to HOT MOJO sessions
A card that says - SPENDING TIME together - a SEMI Session just the two of you (and me ;)
Just let me know!!!

There are so many great gifts to give!
And I love the fact that my business is based on this giving of spirit, not material things , but PURE LIVING!



Love THIS life

Little guy during happier mouth days.
With the little guy having all his remaining teeth coming out at the same time, it´s not much sleep happening in my household at the moment.
It´s awful to see the pain that´s been going on in Robin´s mouth over the last 4 days, accompanied by fever and so much drool you could water the whole Sahara desert...
Focusing at work could be easier.
Lucky I have some lovely, dedicated students to work with!
I have probably said it before, but it´s worth repeating:
by teaching others you always learn something new about yourself.
It´s much more grateful and fulfilling, than I ever could imagine; having your own space.
Only in a few days it´s given me a sense of grounding that is hard to describe.

Started the day off by joining Christine´s class this morning - I LOVE her way of teaching! Good for me that I get to practice with her every week from now on! :)
After a bunch of privates, I picked up our new car... WHOOOOHAAA!

At first I wanted to stripe it: "MyrbergBjörn & MOJO Yoga" or something like that.
When I told P about this, he just stared at me. "You want to do what?"
"You know, stripe it...with a website address...?"
"What do you mean No?"
By now P is staring at me with that look on his face. He sighs and says:
"Hello? You should NOT be identified with any company of yours whilst driving"
End of discussion.

Shame on Parkeringskontoret that I need to store it in the country until we´ve sold our old car and can apply for a new parking permit...
Oh, well, who cares? I´m happy.
Actually, I love this life.

No, I won´t tell you which make or which reg.nr.
In case I need to honk you and overtake you whilst shaking my head furiously.

HOT MOJO - gets GAGA ;)

It's Lady Yo-ga!

"Lady Gaga got hot and sweaty as she showed off her moves during a gruelling HOT yoga session.

The Poker Face star turned up unexpectedly at Tricia Donegan's Manhattan studio – where she posed for pictures and left 39-year-old Donegan a thank-you note.

At first, Donegan said she didn't recognise the 24-year-old singer, real name Stefani Germanotta, who used to attend her yoga classes when she was a student at New York University.

"Gaga said to me, 'To jog your memory, I confided in you and cried in your lap about a food problem I was having,’" Donegan told a local news station.

"She told me I had talked to her about the proper hydration and proper nutrition necessary to having enough energy and strength.
"She said she no longer has a food problem and that I saved her life."

Asked if the pop star was any good at yoga, Donegan said: "I don’t know if she’s flaming hot, but she’s definitely hot."

She also revealed that Gaga’s thank-you note, scrawled on pink paper, read: "Tricia, Thank you so much for today. Lately, I've been kicking a** in yoga, but I'm excited to embark on an even deeper journey with you. You are such an inspiration. I will be back soon. With more hydration + sleep.

"Yoga heals me + so do you. Love, Lady Gaga."


I LOVE the HOT MOJO - cause it is hot but it is NOT cruelling HOT!

Come play with us - I am teaching Wednesday 7am @ Masthugget!!!

Btw - we are shooting NEW MOJO pics soon - any ideas/requests?!



Jane Fonda!

She is 72!!!!!!!!!

This DVD actually looks OK - thinking of getting it for my grandma hihihii

I LOVE training - when it is done right for YOU!

Listen to your body - it is constantly talking to you!!!!

Tap into your POTENTIAL



MOJO in da city

It's not even 10pm and I'm off to bed!
After an action packed weekend with new MOJOs in the making, I think I deserve some extra sleep...
MyrbergBjörn opens tomorrow and it's an exciting week ahead, both at the studio and for Jo and I. :)
If you're in the city, make sure you pop by!

Engelbrektsgatan 34C, 1st floor

- Blinged from my iPhone

Head/Body of Jo

Thank you ALL of you! For meeting and playing with me this weekend!!!

On the train back hOMe to Gbg now, 4 train rides and not a single delay... Wow! Must be the yoga ;)

Halmstad - waited outside FORM an hour but hey I had my yogamat to play on so :))

A lovely class and workshop on breath! And a BP class later I was on the train to Lund where I meet Mom! She's helping her friend and working in a gradinaffar:?! Hihi well - what can I say - it looked like she had done it all her life :) she is so talented!

Picking up grandma to celebrate her with köttfärsås and red wine + tears and laughter in the middle of nowhere! Whilst the cat and dog warmed eachother in the sofa :)

Sunday morning - 30min to Malmo and I got to meet one of my childhood best friends, I do love that we connect still, its a great feeling talking to her and reminiscing!!!
+ she is getting married next year jihoooooo!
I knew she was engaged but didn't think the wedding would come that soon. Then she told that she wanted to have kids before she was 30, and didn't want to be pregnant when she got married!
Wow - did I feel like I was 5 years old as I sat there listening... As she very calmly spoke I was thinking:
"wow, how can she know that...?!?!?! That she want that! It must be such a strong feeling and I want kids but I am so so so far away from them/it now!!!!"

Also a lovely fika with Best Ana K, damn I love her! I wish we lived much closer! I would go to her ever day after school and drink milk n eat her home made cookies!!! ;)

Hot John teaching BS! I remember meeting him the first time in a cab thinking "Damn this guy is hot, nice, great sense of fashion - Hm I wonder if he is gay... Hope not!!! - Hm what do you think....."

Teaching BB51 in Malmo was fab, fun and so grounding!
+ I had so many supa hot
Women to watch such as Soffan and Charlotte A amongst others!

And - this is one of the coolest parts of this weekend! Whist I'm working in the South, fierce Mo is growing little Mojo Yogis in our home town! How cool is that!!!

Now I'm loving for my man in the big city! Haven't seen him since Tuesday night!!!!

The only thing that could top this day would be some kind of 2nd Advent thingie!!!

Love Jo

- Jo flowing om The IPhone :)


Just Breath!

That is it folks!!!




Outside Form in Halmstad at 7:35....

I was having so much flow.....
Early at the centralstation to catch my train and by a coffe, but everything was closed, BUT I was happy anyway :)

Looking fw to warming up and flowing through BB 51 once I arrived at Form.

And what do I find - ice cold looked doors that says - we open at 930.... What? My class starts at 900!!!!!

And I need to pee sooooo badly...

What else could go wrong today?
Planning on doing BP with hot Pernilla B - but, I haven't signed up for the class (arbetsskada!!!) and might not get a spot...
Then my train to Malmo might get delayed/cancelled and I will miss celebrating my Grandma in Lund on the way cause there isn't enough time....

What else?
Oh yeah - I might fuck up the new BB release...

It will all be uphill from here :)
What do you think?
Or is it downhill:?
Which one is the better?
I know that I prefer downhill if I'm running but if I'm in a car uphill is greater cause the view :)


I guess it is all in your mind:?

Love Jo

- Jo flowing om The IPhone :)