
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

We are entering into the second half of 2008; the Summer is slowly staying behind as we gradually (a bit unwillingly to start with perhaps) walk into Autumn and all its colors. At least this is how I feel about it. I had it all figured out, this time I was going to focus on my own company (for the first time ever, I have always been either studying, living abroad or working with other projects simultaneously). But as I got back from my one-month long vacation it didn’t feel al that good. Yeah I know, life isn’t always a dance on roses, I am well aware of that BUT… I truly wasn’t feeling it. Issues like; am I going to be a “fitness instructor” for the rest of my life? When am I going to get real and start working for real? Like become a lawyer or a doctor?!

This might not apply to all of you out there but I am kind of like Two-face, the villain in Batman (except that I have other split personality issues, thank god).
One part of me is very physical, artistic, and creative and the other part is very mathematical, structural and scientificall. This division giggles me around like a ping poll boll in the Olympic Gold medal Game.

That is why I am now overly excited about my new life which will look something like this:

JIRA (my company)

- Teach group fitness at Hagabadet, YogaBhuddi and Sportlife (see my scheduel on the right)
- JIRA Foundation Trainings in YOGA and PILATES/CORE
- Events/Trainings in cooperation with NIKE, LES MILLS and HOLISTIC TRAINING
- Personal Training, I will finally make time for those of YOU who have been wanting to dive deeper into your practice. For more info e-mail me on yogiangel22@hotmail.com
- Making my webpage come true (oh this is such a hard one for me, ok, Just Do It, get your ass moving misses!)
- Conventions during the weekends
- Arranging the GLOBAL MALA on Sep 21st – DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS EVENT – Off your mat and into the World!!!

Johanna Andersson (the private person)
- Is going back to school. To study what?

Mänskliga kommunikationer, interaktioner/uttrycksformer
"Denna brett tvärvetenskapliga kurs belyser aktuell forskning kring människans situation och välbefinnande i det moderna samhället, men även med tvärkulturell jämförelse. Kursens fokus är växelverkan mellan individen och hennes neurala system, utvecklat under miljoner år, och de allt större krav som samhället ställer på individens mentala och sociala kapacitet. Några negativa konsekvenser av denna utveckling är hjärnstress, utbrändhet, missbruk och alienation. Samtidigt visar forskningen att det är möjligt att motverka eller mildra dessa negativa faktorer bl.a. genom en ökad förståelse för hur vår hjärna och vårt medvetande fungerar."

Woooow I am soo excited!!!

My Two-Face will have a satisfying Autumn ☺

Hope to see you on one side or the other


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