
Technical, tedious, training tools.


Training to-do-list:

* increase range of motion in my ankles - an everlasting project.
* build strength, contact and endurance in my mid- to low trapezius.
* work on my technique in Olympic weightlifting. Hm. Very hard to do absolutely right until point number 1 has improved.

When your training and fitness level has reached a certain point, it´s the tiniest, technical and/or most tedious things that makes the biggest difference. I know that if I can keep this up, in 6 months time I will run faster, jump higher, lift heavier and last longer. Phew.



Spark i baken said...

Hej Monika. Hur går det med cyklingen? Såg att du inte kör någon cykelklass på Nike, bara andra spännande saker. KRAM

mojo said...

Hallå där Terese!

Cyklingen går utmärkt! :)
Ska bli jätteroligt att koncentrera sig på kettlebellen i januari. Missar tyvärr din klass, då vi kör samtidigt-typiskt!

Hoppas att du mår finfint?
