Live, day 2 from NIKE Sweden...

Getting our beauty sleep at Scandinavia´s largest convention...

Spinning action

Peter Van der Brink from Gymnasium

Main Hall

- Blingbling reported from my iPhone
Covers everything from health and fitness to fashion with passion, food, love and life. MOJO is run by two spiritual warriors who will give you their YIN and YANG of reality.
3. Berätta 3,5 intressanta fakta om dig själv!
2. Länka till personen som gett dig awarden
3. Berätta 7 intressanta fakta om dig själv!
4. Välj ut 7 andra bloggar du vill ge awarden till
5. Länka till deras bloggar & kommentera hos dem att de har en Award att hämta!
So, I will give the award to 3 people and tell 3 1/2 interesting things about myself and I´ll let JO do the other 4+3 1/2... :)
1. I have a VERY lazy person living inside me. If I can, I take the elevator and I LOVE taxis!
2. I don´t wear make-up regularly, but I have THE biggest collection of Chanel lipgloss of anyone I know (The result of travelling with work for 15 yrs and having too much free time at airports...) - 90% of which are NEVER worn - and probably never will be.
3. I am a true arachnophobic. I can´t even write the word of the...thing without having cold chills running down my spine.
3 1/2. I never shaved, waxed or else with my legs until my 32nd year of living.
The nominating other blogs? I have very little time reading blogs, so when I do, I swing by the blogs written by people I know in person, like Jessica, Magnus and Helena.