Had a great working day today.
Held 2 lectures for 80 people from the Fenestra School in Gothenburg on how to find balance and even better health in your life.
I was done by 13.00 and spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with Robin.
So many things are happening in his little life right now. Since he started walking properly on July 22, I can see small new changes every day. He talks a lot, although most of it is hard for an adult to actually understand. :)
He´s such a happy little fella! Smiling and giggling and happily giving away hugs.
He´s also showing great will and determination (I wonder where on earth he got that from???) and yes, he has a bit of (my) temper. Hmmm.....
In the afternoon it was mini-X-mas!
I received the latest items from the NIKE autumn collection. I´m not sure how they do it, but each time I see the new collection, I´m deeply impressed.
The function, the material, the colours, the cuts, the design - all of it, second to none.
My favourites are too many to mention in one go, but here´s some of them:
Held 2 lectures for 80 people from the Fenestra School in Gothenburg on how to find balance and even better health in your life.
I was done by 13.00 and spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with Robin.
So many things are happening in his little life right now. Since he started walking properly on July 22, I can see small new changes every day. He talks a lot, although most of it is hard for an adult to actually understand. :)
He´s such a happy little fella! Smiling and giggling and happily giving away hugs.
He´s also showing great will and determination (I wonder where on earth he got that from???) and yes, he has a bit of (my) temper. Hmmm.....
In the afternoon it was mini-X-mas!
I received the latest items from the NIKE autumn collection. I´m not sure how they do it, but each time I see the new collection, I´m deeply impressed.
The function, the material, the colours, the cuts, the design - all of it, second to none.
My favourites are too many to mention in one go, but here´s some of them:
You cannot but LOVE these NIKE Storm Warriors!
Such a perfect Gothenburg shoe, it´s ridiculous.
Waterproof, soft like a sock and cushioned.
I will dress these x-tended knit pants with high heels, because they´re worth it.
A gorgeous NIKE LS Top from the Sportswear collection rounds it off well.
Yes. The dress is NIKE. Can you believe it?
It´s figure hugging, black and grey and fits like a glove.
What´s not to like?
Åh, ÄLSKART! De där glansiga dojjorna är ju som gjorda för en regnig höst i Skåne :).
Kängorna är ju helt i min smak!
Tack Monika, för gårdagens föreläsning! Du paketerade verkligen innehållet på ett sätt som både gav inspiration och motivation.
Nu längtar jag faktiskt efter att prova på Kettlebell!!! (...och en lekpark för vuxna ;))
Sköt om dig!
Hälsar Jenny
Soffan: ...och de är varma också!!! ;)
Jennie: Visst är de underbara???
Ha en fin helg, tjejer!
Åh, tack själv, Jenny!
Ser fram emot att välkomna dig både på kettlebell och in i "lekparken"!
Ha en underbar helg,
Pjuxen och klänningen är bara SÅ snygga!
TACK Åsa! :)
Å såååå sköna!
Hej! Blev också kär i kängorna! Har du någon aning om var de kan inhandlas i Gbg..?
Jenny:..hmmm...prova nike.com, det tror jag kan vara det bästa alternativet (om inte Stadium XXL har tagit in dem...)
Lycka till!
Hej! Fick tag på ett par på Shelta, mucho nöjd :) Hade aldrig hittat dem utan ditt tips - big thank-you!!
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