
Anusara Yoga Teacher Training


Just back from the last day of my 4-day Anusara Yoga Teacher Training (TT) with Neesha Zollinger.
Watch Neesha teach on yogatoday.com.

What I love most about the Anusara Yoga method, are some of its principles that are used to teach students how to find their ultimate expression in their asanas. Especially muscular/organic energy & inner/outer spiral. Some of the loops are also helpful (although I don´t agree with all of them).

I´ve done a bunch of TT´s now and I will most probably do several more - the yoga path and being a yoga teacher is an ongoing project and a journey for life...
As with most Yoga TTs there are always some golden nuggets to bring back to your students.

For me, this time, the golden nuggets were:

1. Really understanding the inner/outer spiral and how to teach them in a comprehensive way.
2. Working on and trying to perfect hands-on adjustments (forever-going project...).
3. Getting into my own practice again.

Neesha talking about the business of yoga and how to start a Kula (yoga community)

Christine of Yoga Buddhi modelling Virabadrasana I

Sara & Susanna listening attentively

Half of the group watching Neesha showing hands-on adjustments

Doing Pincha Mayurasana in week 29...
Fab for starting a BIG baby party in your belly!



Christine Myrberg said...

Wonderful Monika,
Thanks for writing a blog!


mojo said...

Thank YOU, Neesha!

Enjoy Tuesday & Wednesday in Gbg, hope to see you in October. :)
