Thank you ALL of you for SMASHING 3 days :)
Straight from London and Ana Forrest with the SUNSHINE KAKAN :)

Landed 3am in my bed Thursday night - woke up 6am ready for the NIKE weekend to HIT!
How can I sum it up into words?!
Not sure if I can but I do have the THEME word for the Weekend - HAPPINESS!

I Make Myself HAPPY seemed to be on every bodies lips - and I just LOVE it!
So many people, crowded classes, HARD kick ass classes - and still people were smiling, helping each other out instead of bitching or complaining!
I am truly IMPRESSED! You all inspire me!
FRIDAYAn evening of Smooth MOJO FLOW at METROPOLIS! I like that studio so so much! If I lived in Sthlm that's where I'd be training. Great functional gym and sweet studio overlooking the city!
Started with the MULTINTENSO class - supporting David on stage, wow I love YOGA, and I love it the MultiIntenso way!
Pic - Cecilia Duberg
Got my LUNGS all warmed up after that in D'Silvas Garuda class before I had to run and change for my own - YOGA TRANCE DANCE!
I admit that I kept thinking - Why the f... did I agree on doing this class on the BIG stage. It's quiet a different class and I wasn't sure that the participants would be up for it...
Pic - Träningsglädje :)
Was I wrong or what?!
NEVER underestimate your fellow human beings! People opened their hearts, bodies and minds! I am forever grateful, thank you!
And thank you Miss PRANA Cecilia G for the play on stage with me :)
After the Yoga Trance Dance I was first filled with energy and kept going with Cecilas Organic Bodywork class. She left us in a sweet sweet relaxation - something I really needed and never really snapt out of for the rest of that evening!
The combo of the anxiety over my own class, would it work?! Are people willing?! Am I a crazy person?! and the lack of sleep rushed over my like a 4 year old... Me and A took a cab back to the hotel where I ate a whole chicken and then feel asleep.
Recharged for the Presenters DINNER in Gamla Stan :) MUMS
SUNDAYWoke up feeling excited and nervous (again hahaha that's new for me :) preparing for my NIKE FREE! Nrevous becuase I knew it would kick my ASS...
And it did!
It turns out it kicked my ASS wearing TROSOR (I thought they were tiny shorts?!)
MAN - people have got a lot of energy in them! The NIKE FREE class was a POWERsession and today I feel it more than ever :)
Knowing if I rest I will feel it more I went straight to Davids Yoga class where I could rest my ass and hold my arms up in the air for 11min instead :) Hahaha the yin and yang of life!
Some shaking with MO to PETTER on the big stage before it was time to hit the stage one last time - BALLISTIC Style! A feminine, fun, organic BALL class to wrap up the weekend!
5min to get my stuff, run to the bus and cathc the train - Jihaaa Ballistic it is ;)
Train home after some sweet thai food and LOVE next to me :)
Pic - Magnus G MONDAYI had a session with my PT - can you believe it?! I hardly could!!! But it went better than I thought!
After that i landed in my sofa and stayed there :)
Today is back in business with my clients!
Well not totally back into the routines - I think someone is planning to surprise me tonight... hihihihhihihih
I LOVE U guys! Truly!
Thank you for the war words, the warm smiles, the happy bodies this weekend! I am grateful!
The NIKE Crew working
The Participants
The PowerWomen in the House (u know who you are)
The International Presenters
My partner in Crime - MO
The Boss, The Blonde, The Babe - LINA!!!!
Now OSLO - R u ready?!