Darling sis + husband staged their house warming party last night.
I prepared by sleeping an extra hour in the late afternoon...
We had such a great time, although I must say-a big, heavy belly is a bit of a party pooper since it makes sitting, standing and even half-laying down very uncomfortable after a while (and as we all know-being uncomfortable can ruin the best party outfit....).
Thank God, for our amazing friends. We laughed until we had tears streaming down our cheeks, consumed copious amounts of lovely food, gorged on home made chocolate strawberry cake and absolutely killed P´s amazing punch. (I did my best on the non-alcoholic version of it...)
We were the first to leave at 00.30am, by that time my belly felt like it was going to explode, and we since heard that the last guests left around 3.30am! Great party!
Today is a day for fixing. Getting the newly bought baby bed in order, fixing the new bedroom and finally getting some stuff up on "Blocket". By the way, we were at the midwife´s yesterday. "Putte" is finally in starting position - just like we suspected! Not long now???
Tisdag, då kommer han... :)
Hälsa söta A - träffar jag henne på midsommar?
Kramar till er alla!
Ahhhhhhh, vore ju helt magiskt!!!
Kort powerwalk ikväll med påföljande stretch...
Vad gör man inte för att hålla humöret uppe???
Syster stannar hemma med familjen i å firar ihop - med eller utan extra tillökning på utsidan... :)
Ha en fin vecka!
Detsamma! Håller fortfarande tummarna för imorgon...även om det kanske inte är lika troligt längre... :)
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