
Lazy Day

Little D teaching auntie about the sounds that different animals make...


I spent the day in the sun with little D. She is such a sweetheart and I cannot believe how easygoing she is.
I´m very grateful to have had a full year to practice some "mama-skills" on her.

It´s like she knows I´m a complete beginner.
When I get her dressed, she is extra patient, when (the very few times it has happened) I change her diaper, she doesn´t cry.
Today when I was going to put her tiny shoes on, before I brought her out to the car, she gave me a long look (because I wasn´t too sure if I should try to put her shoes on while she was standing, or not...) and then sat down with a resolute look on her face and lifted one leg up for me! (like:"Dhuuh!") :)

Went for a "power walk" in the late afternoon (well, actually more like a "mafioso walk"... The belly arrives about 5min before I do...you know, that wide legged stride that says: "Hey, ya´talkin´to ME?!"...), since I have some training stiffness from the gym session yesterday (NICE!).

Tomorrow morning it´s time for another visit at the midwife´s. Hmmmm....I wonder what she will say?.....



Helena said...

Oj vad stor hon har blivit! :) Tycker nyss hon var ett pyttelitet knytte i vagnen...
Håller tummarna att hon får en kusin SNART. Kramar!

mojo said...

Det går sjuuukt fort!!!
Kusinen gottar sig fortfarande alldeles för lycklig på insidan, tyvärr... ;)
Hoppas att du har det finfint i Dalarna!
