...even more NIKE Stockholm 2010...
One of my favorite classes during the weekend: James Da Silva´s GARUDA Core
Sorry I managed to rip your trousers in our kettlebell session, James! :)All cred to this lovely, lovely man, who with all his talent and knowledge still is curious to learn more about new exciting stuff - like KB-training.
Together with Anton & Varvara from IFS Russia
Wonderful Susanna from NIKE Finland -
I LOVE Finnish people!
(They are hardworking, straight talking and hilariously funny!)
Gorgeous Oscar & Jessica - the "radarpar", as we say in Swedish! :)
Bruno Sardella, dear friend, former colleague and fab athlete.
Thank you for the music dedications! (Songs that we exchanged maybe 8-10 yrs ago)
Musse Hasselvall (who just won the ELLE-award: "BEST DRESSED MAN OF THE YEAR" - Congratulations!) & Usama Aziz. Two cool tigers and gentlemen.
Per Markussen & Åsa Fornander preparing for their buttkickin "Street vs Aerobics"- battle...See the videos below in the next post
Another dear friend, Tony Stone, whom I must have known for over 10 years now. When we´re working the same event, I always try to take one of his classes. This time it was the "Video Dance"-class. My God. I normally have time for 1 dance class a year...hence the work with trying to get my arms and legs to move at the same time without looking spastic... After 5 minutes I was ready to give up, but then thought about how I hate when people come into class and leave without REALLY trying...so I persevered. It might not have looked like a MJ-video, but boy, did I have a GREAT time! Thanks to Febbe & Elaine who jammed the whole way through on my left and on my right, making sure I was at least facing the right direction on the last 8 count! :)
Check out Petter Ehrnvall´s face...knowing he´s going to end up on his favorite blog: MOJO!Gorgeous Vanessa Livramento kicked his ass in the BodyPump 73! :)
From Gothenburg, but working in Stockholm with Friskis & Svettis: beautiful Robert Granat.This year Robert decided that sweating is soooo last season... ;)
Magnus Gårdmark blowin´the house away in his class ReCharge. Magnus very deservedly got rave reviews from his participants.
Linda Jonsson rocking her "Around the World" - class. She and Magnus Gårdmark did a great job and delivered fantastic classes. I´m PROUD to be working with these people!
...and more spinning...
Look what I found in the bike room: Magnus Gårdmark, Linda Jonsson, Lina Eriksson, Jessica Larsson & Andreas Wester.
Hej Monica!
Det va fantastiskt kul att träffa dig i helgen! Tyvärr tog både ork och rygg slut innan ditt pass på söndag eftermiddag, men jag fanns i salen och tittade!
Hoppas du hade en fantastisk helg, för det hade jag!
Varma hälsningar
Åh, TACK detsamma - jättekul att få ses tillslut!
Det kommer fler KB-chanser :)
Helgen var som en bal på slottet, alldeles, alldeles uuuunderbar! ;)
Kramar till dig,
Vilka härliga bilder! Tack igen för en fantastisk helg, din support betyder mycket! Nu är det nya tag- springa och yoga! Så får det bli:)
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