Oh LA LA!!!
What a weekend!
(bild fitnessmagazine)
I am still lost of intellectual words for it so I'm doing a LIST:
What a weekend!
I am still lost of intellectual words for it so I'm doing a LIST:
- YES - I followed the plan and took my FIRST RPM class ever - Anna Key - What a hot tamale cyclist - calm, strong, and fierce at the same time - I would follow her up any mountain! And Petter - gave me all the support I needed - from setting up my bike to coaching me through the to me "new" stuff about RPM!
- Then BODYSTEP - Eh well - I Did it, I can say that much! Now I know what it feels like to be totally in the dark during a class/workout. I was MISS LOST! A very good MENTAL workout indeed!
- BODYPUMP - Whoppa, didn't think I would have any POWER left by this time but WOW - The RockNRoll tracks fits GLOBEN like a Glove and it was Inspiring to see GLEN (The BP MAN) live - so much POWER in such a tiny body!
- After being a participant it was time to do some work - Dr Dave, Me and Ragnhild taught the Generic part for BODYBALANCE. Great fun not being the person in charge - I could just chill on stage and learn from DR Dave and all the GREAT participants - Thank you for being so open and curious!
- LES MILLS SHOW - Hahah Lots of Fun - You can watch it here!
- Time for BODYBALANCE on the BIG STAGE - Whoppa, Dave was right, it was a HIGH stage - if you think balancing is hard - try it on the edge of at 2m high stage in front of a massive crowd with 1000watts LIGHT in your eyes..... As we taught the class I must admit that I wasn't sure if I reached the participants. So hard seeing their faces, couldn't hear their breathing and so on.... It wasn't a HIGH being up there...
Bild (sparkibaken :)
- BUT - OH MY GOD! Thank you EVERYBODY for the AMAZING comments and smiles after the class. I really want you to know that IT ALL MEANS A LOT TO ME! You boosted me! I am GREAT at working and then moving on, not resting in the delight after a big presentation or teaching BUT this time I actually did - I felt larger than life and I allowed myself to feel it, live it, enjoy it - all thanks to YOU!
- From balancing the body with yoga - Dave and I went to the bar, picked up a glass of champagne and went dancing (BODYJAM :) !!! That's the way ahaha I like it aha aha
- Then there was the AfterParty ----- To me the whole evening was a looong repetition of ELBOWS in my FACE !! Don't know what I am talking about? BUFFALO!!! Drinking with your right hand is NOT ALLOWED - The Result = An elbow to your face and finishing your drink within 20sec.... No exceptions!!!
- The sad thing is that the LEARNING CURVE with Alcohol is actually -VE, yeapph! So Miss Andersson bought drink after drink only to find herself drinking them faster than life ... around 5-8 of those yes bam thank you mam!!
- Alarm rang at 0655 am Sunday morning... of to THE ACADEMY CONVENTION....
- To be continued...
Hahaha, jag undrade just varför folk hela kvällen tjatade om vilken hand jag höll mina drinkar med, very wierd :)! Mysteriet löst.
Glen! Första gången jag körde för honom, och vilken ENERGI! Ser ut som en ljudtekniker på scenen men levererar mer än man kan ana!
Ja Soffan - vilket Mysterie ;)
Helena - Hahah Exakt vad jag tänkte - grym liknelse!
Du var grym på scen! Känner mig alltid lika inspirerad efter dina klasser. Det var lika härligt att se ditt partytempo! ;)
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