I missed the JUKARI, Fit to Fly -launch on Thursday night, because I chose to usher the team back to the hotel instead, after a looong day. From what I heard I missed a spectacular circus show (with real circus artists one should hope, since Jukari is the product of a collaboration between Reebok & Cirque du Soleil), but not one single person at the launch (and there were only VIP-industry people there) could see the meaning of it or the functionality of it in a real, existing club.
I discussed it with a collegue the next day:
My questions concerning JUKARI, are: How much did it cost to develop? Who is the product for? How many of the world´s fitness clubs have got the room (read:ceiling height) to actually start the program? WHO will teach it? Retired circus artists? I know several. Not.
...and why, oh why didn´t Reebok pour all that money into making wearable shoes and goodlooking clothes instead???
Activio did so well this year. It´s a delight representing a Swedish company at FIBO - especially when the product is so GREAT! The feedback solution system got a lot of attention over the last few days - which it should.
This is the 3rd year that the company is presenting at the expo - and my 3rd year as the team manager for Activio. Having followed the twins from their early days, I have to say: Great job, Tom & Daniel, you go from strength to strength!
Lucky for me, I had (for once!) realized my own limits beforehand and rationalized myself out of the expo 1 day early... Let´s just say that Putte would not have stood for another day. He seemed a bit cranky at the end of day 3...
I was quite shattered when I arrived back in Gothenburg around 22.00 Saturday night, but very, very happy about what the last few days had brought for my client.
Damn, you did a wonderful job, guys! Susanne, Åse, Sofia, Mari, Per, Malin, Linda, Magnus, Andreas - THANK YOU so much! ♥
Plus me, wearing size XL in shorts AND jersey. Never has the Activio logo-man looked more happy on my belly...
Do heavier weights and more crosstraining instead, I´d say.
...and in today´s category of Why, oh why....
Well, you can judge for yourselves...
Well, you can judge for yourselves...
Heja Activio! Den ENDA anledningen till att träna spinning över huvudtaget.... :)
KRAM söta du - du skiner som vanligt!
Visst är det härligt?
TACK, men jag kan ärligt säga att jag var ganska "rökt" idag... :)
Massa kramar
Vilka härliga bilder =) Har precis kommit hem från ett morgonpass och sitter i min sköna Activio-tröja =) Vad stor magen har blivit nu! När är det dags?
Hej Cizzi!
Visst är den go´?
Rund som en fotboll och putar rakt ut!
Jag är i vecka 31 nu...9 veckor kvar...PHU!
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