
U can Do It Put your Ass into it!!!

Heja Heja Heja

I spent 4 years with a person and his dreams. It is such a beautiful thing watching him fulfill them. I am overly excited, I don't know where or what to make out of myself today, and it doesn’t help that I am all superstitious (as a child I prayed to GOD, but only when me and my cousin meet the BOSS in Super Mario, last level) and a yogi which adds up to me having about o thousands of mantras and rituals that I could/should be shanting and performing out loud. BUT instead I am gonna take it out on YOU!

As for today Rasmus Myrgren is in second place and the gold medal race in Sailing: LASER in Beijing is tomorrow morning at 7am. So here r your options:
At 7am Tuesday morning you could either:

A: Close your eyes, squeeze your thumbs and send ALL your focused energy to this FAB Sailor
B: Join me as I teach a Hard CORE class at Hagabadet 7am-745am (just drop me an e-mail and I'll hook you up)
C: Go for a morning run and give it your all, making the earth spin faster and the waves to rock harder (how could this help you may ask: Well I happen to know that Raz is one of the Fittest sailor, rough conditions only gives him advantage :)

So which one will it be?

I am counting on you!


or to you Raz



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