Wow, I was tired this morning.
I woke up, not knowing what time it was, what day it was, where I was or what I was supposed to be doing...
It´s amazing how much energy gets spent during only 2 days each year in Stockholm. All in all, I was incredibly happy about how my classes went and despite a few technical problems, I would say it went according to plan...
Highlights of the weekend:
- Teaching Sweden´s largest Kettlebell-class to date, with 200 participants (photos will be published in the near future). Thanks Fredrik & Richard, from Kettlebell Stockholm, who joined me on stage and looked decidedly strong and muscular in their NIKE pros.
- Seeing so many familiar faces in my spinning class - the last class of the day on Saturday, but still with an amazing energy. Åse, Mari & Linda were great on stage in their pink/black outfits and were a bundle of power all the way to the end.
- Getting to teach a yoga class early on Saturday. What a nice change! Normally, yoga classes always closes a convention which means you are quite limited to what type of yoga you can give your participants... Instead at 10.20am Saturday morning, people were fresh, awake and alert.
- taking part in Tony Stone´s fantastic House-class and (at least sort of) getting the choreography.
- Spending time with JO, Mango, Febbe, Elaine, Matt, Bruno (whom I haven´t seen for almost 3 years!) and all the other phenomenal, inspiring friends /(who also happens to be) presenters for two days.
- Meeting MOJO-readers "live - in the flesh" - seeing them sweating, smiling and enjoying themselves.
- Yoga, Spinning & Kettlebell in 2 days....Being 20 weeks pregnant and kickin´ass!
.....+ Frida & Lollo from Gymnasium, giving it their all in Bruno Sardella´s class
JOJO & beauuuutiful mum Lena
Petter & Fredrik, looking strong & healthy
MOJO & Maria Linghult
Kul att se dig i helgen Monika. Och sååå kul att höra om den lille i magen :-) Synd att vi inte hann prata mer än vad vi gjorde. KRAM
Terese, GRATTIS till en lyckad klass!!! Härligt jobbat!!! :))
Jättemysigt att ses, synd att det alltid är så hysteriskt med allt runt omkring-och därför lite tid att verkligen UMGÅS - vi får helt enkelt se till att få mer tid ihop vid nästa tillfälle!
Ja, den lilla/lille i magen såg till att breda ut sig rejält under natten och nu ser jag helt plötsligt VÄLDIGT gravid ut igen. :)
Det var kanonkul att träffa dig och så härligt att bara andas in atmosfären. En dag är scenen min! =)
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