
Scoring Points


The "adult-points" keep on coming... Today we ordered the baby buggy! Or a Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle Single - to be precise...

From the catalogue:
"The Urban Single from Mountain Buggy is a true all-rounder for parents who want a buggy that fit into their lifestyle rather than limit what they can do.
The Mountain Buggy range, which is made in New Zealand, is fantastic for families who like to go out and about and don't want to have to limit their activities because of the limitations of their pushchair."

Wow. Is that us?
Let me just say, these things are not cheap! The buggy industry most be blooming during recent years of baby booming. In the hour or so that we eventually spent in the shop (trying to decide which baby car seat to order - we had no idea - and ended up calling 4 different friends to ask for advice, of which none were around their phones, so in the end we choose the Brio one all by ourselves...) there must have been at least 6 couples placing their buggy orders...
We also bought a pillow, a duvet and some covers for inside the buggy and a baby bag.

During the shopping, P and I look at each other. "Hey, WE are becoming PARENTS! This is WEIRD. Lovely, but WEIRD" was our mutual feeling. It was a bit like the first kick we felt. It all became so real and so close.



Katarina M-I said...

Vi valde också UJ och det har vi aldrig ångrat. Att bli föräldrar första gången verkar vara en djungel utan like. Alla upplever samma förvirring kring bilbarnstolar, spjälsängar, vagnar, it goes on and on. Och det dyker hela tiden upp nya val: förskola, regnkläder, vinterkläder, skor...
Och man kan får ju inga svar, "är det här bra?" Är dom snälla mot dig"
Inte lätt, man får använda magkänslan och det blir oftast bra!!
Ha det bäst!
/Katarina, Malmö

mojo said...

Hej Katarina!
Skönt att höra att ni var nöjda med er UJ!!!
Men visst är det förvirrande?! Jeezes, vilken kommers det är kring barnartiklar...man blir ju helt snurrig... Jag har dock beslutat mig för att försöka "stå emot" prylhetsen så länge det går - tack o lov är P väldigt opåverkad, vilket underlättar.
Magkänsla tycker jag är ett hett tips. :)
