
Starting to heal


Today was the first day that I didn´t feel like a road kill!
How do I know?
Well, except from the fact that my body didn´t hurt like mad (it just hurt) in various places, I also:

* Walked in a faster pace than an 85yr old with a crutch.
* Read the new number of Elle-magazine and saw myself wearing tight fitting black leather trousers this winter.
* Enjoyed the fact that P got tickets for us to go and see U2 live in concert on July 31! Yes!

Today was the turn around day, I could so feel it.
I´ve said it before, but the body is truly amazing.



Anonymous said...

Grattis till back in action då! :D
Skoj med U2, då ses vi! jag å en kompis ska oxå se dem på fredagen!
Stor kram!

mojo said...

Tack, det känns så bra!

Visst ska det bli en höjdare den 31:a? :)

Hoppas att du har en fin sommar!


Helena said...

Skönt att höra att höra M, du är så stark! Ska bli så kul att få se dig och lilltrollet snart - ser verkligen fram emot det!
Stora kramar!