"One of the biggest challenges in my life was to dismantle my belief that true love was not possible. That being in love was a sign of weakness and that the reason I was not in a committed relationship was because there was no one out there that I could find who I could see myself living my life with. These were really my beliefs and they were very difficult to dismantle. The past 4 years most of my personal journey and work in life coaching was to keep looking at the fear I had about being in love and re designing my vision of love and relationships. Probably one of the biggest things I have come to realize is that if I want a relationship that is deep, loving, honest and spiritual I need to be that myself and that I am 100% responsible for anything that is missing. If I want a trustworthy partner I have to be trustworthy. If I want an open and communicative partner I must be that myself. I realized it is a choice to see the one I am with as "the one" and the amount of love I experience is dependent on the amount of love I am giving."
During my three months of traveling in India I did a 10-day Vipassana retreat in the Himalayas and that’s when it hit me...I felt UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. I felt it for the first time. Sure I had been talking about it before (especially in my own yoga classes) but I had never felt it. It dropped from my brain down into my heart.
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