
Work hard but play HARDER (Life is what´s going on right now)

Mo: About a year ago, I decided that, yes, I LOVE my work, but what is the price of working more or less EVERY day AND every weekend from Jan-Jun and end of August-mid Dec?

Well, judging from my relationship history, the answer is simple. My work always came first. And at best my relationship would come in a good second. This, as you might gather, would lead to quite predictable results.

So what to do? If you don´t change anything, you will always get the same results.
What I decided to change was: the way I work and live and play.

I decided I would continue to work hard, 7 days a week, when I work, but then take at least 1 month off during the summer, 1 month off during the winter + time off during the term.
NOW is the time to do it - to LIVE and to LOVE - not later...

That´s how P and I end up going to Crete less than 2 weeks after NY...

1 week will be spent with the MAD, incredibly talented man below, Jonathan Monks.

The man who defies gravity and makes flying possible.
The king of inversions and unbelievable challenges.
I can not wait to have a full week of inspiration from this man! Even if it means facing my fears of going upside down right in the core of their being!

The rest of the time (1 week) will be spent running, sun bathing, mountain biking, hiking and reading in the warm, Greek spring sun somewhere on the island together with P.
I´m traveling on Thursday evening and I´ll be back Friday 2 weeks later.

This is (just a taster) of what can be expected in Crete:

Hiding the leg-asana...


Which direction Am I going?-asana....

I´m sure I put my leg somewhere over here???...

...and on a different note, before I go. I know that readers of this blog are getting quite used to my speeding habits and weekly-almost-run ins with the police. Therefore I had to do a second round in the Allén tonight, so that I could take a photo of the 4th speeding control that I have passed through in as many weeks-without getting caught... I wasn´t sure you would believe me otherwise!

I´ll be on my bike for the rest of the summer...

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